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• Amelia P.O.V •
I woke up with a really bad pain...a labor pain (*Jacob Jacob get up*) I said shaking him (*Hmm what*) he said (*We need to go to the hospital*) I said getting out of bed (*Why*) he asks half asleep (*Im in labor you idiot*) I said getting dressed. He jumps up and started getting dressed (*I'll call your dad and my dad to come watch Jackson*) he says grabbing his phone. I go downstairs and grab the diaper bag (*Ok they are coming. I'm gonna put the car seats in the car*) he says grabbing them and running outside. I laugh and follow him (*Why are you laughing*) he asked (*You're freaking out more than me and I'm the one who has to push two babies out my body*) I laugh (*Oh....get in the car they're here*) he said as I look over and see my dad and his dad pull in the driveway. I get in the car and my dad comes over (*Are you okay honey*) he asks (*Yeah i—SHES HAVING BABIES NO SHES NOT OKAY*) Jacob yells (*Ok then*) Jacobs dad laughs. I shake my head laughing as Jacob gets in the car (*Bye*) Jacob and me say.

(Skip to the hospital)

I'm laying in the bed on my phone waiting for mine and Jacobs mom to get here. (*Sooo whats new*) Jacob said bouncing on a yoga ball that was in the closet (*Nothing much what about you*) I giggle setting my phone down (*Just preparing to be a dad....again*) he said making me giggle. Our moms run in out of breath (*You guys okay*) I laugh (*We ran as fast as we could so we wouldn't miss anything*) patty says (*Mother like son*) I giggle. We all talked as we wait for me to be able to push (*Hello I'm doctor Stevens....wait didn't I deliver one of your babies*) she asked me (*Yeah that's me*) I smile (*Well by the looks of it you don't have to wait any longer so you are ready to push*) she smiles. I nod and Jacob grabs my hand (*Ok give me a push*) she says and I push (*Good good take a breath....ok push*) she said as I push again. It's starting to hurt really bad (*Ok again*) she says, I push but cry as I do (*It hurts really bad*) I cry (*I know I know but it's worth it*) she says. I look at Jacob who smiling and I push again (*Almost there*) the nurse says (*Ok here's the....girl*) she said handing me my baby girl (*Oh my god*) I cry looking at her (*Ok a couple more pushes we have a boy in here who wants to meet is mommy and daddy*) she said. The nurse grabs her from me so they can clean her off, I push three more when I hear more crying (*Here's your boy*) she said setting him on my chest (*Oh my god hi*) I say (*Dad do you wanna cut the umbilical cord*) the nurse asks (*Yes*) Jacob said with tears in his eyes. I watch as he cuts the cord and they bring my baby girl over wrapped in a blanket, they hand me her and take him so they can clean him off (*Hi baby girl*) Jacob whispers (*Thank you*) he said looking at me (*I should thank you*) I smile (*God I love you*) he says kissing me. They bring him back and give him to Jacob (*Well whats their names*) the doctor smiles. I look at Jacob and he smiles (*Emma and Ethan*) we both say (*Emma sartorius born at 3:45 am. Ethan sartorius born at 3:47 am.*) the nurse smiles (*Birthday January 17*) patty smiles (random date) I look at my mom who was balling her eyes out (*Mom*) I smile hugging her (*Thank you guys so much*) she said making me and Jacob smile.

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Emma and Ethan are smaller than Jackson which is funny

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Emma and Ethan are smaller than Jackson which is funny. I have three kids and an amazing husband....it's my childhood dream come true. My dad and Jacobs dad showed up with Jackson because it was now seven in the morning (*Hi jacks*) I said as he crawls on my lap (*Meet your baby sister and brother*) I say as he looks at the sleeping babies (*My family is so cute*) Jacob said sitting My me in a chair (*I love you*) we both say making us laugh (*Thank you*) I said (*No thank you*) he smiles pecking my lips. Well it's time for us to watch our kids grow up!!!
One or two more chapters and then this story is over!!!

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