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• Jacob P.O.V •
Im sitting talking with mine and Amelia's parents while she does something with Loren (*You're gonna have two sons and a baby girl*) Amelia's mom days excitedly (*I know I'm so happy*) I smile (*Wow Grandpa of three kids....just wow*) my dad chuckles. I laugh and look over and see Amelia and Loren playing with Jackson. Amelia picked him up and walked over to us (*Got this kid is fast*) she giggles sitting down beside me (*Daddy*) Jackson says (*What did he just say*) Amelia asked in shock. (*Daddy*) he repeats (*OH MY GOD*) Amelia yells (*That's his first word....AND IT WASN'T MOMMY*) she screams (*Why didn't you say mommy Jackson*) she asks him. He just giggles and reaches for me. I pick him up and kiss his head (*my son is a trader*) Amelia giggles (*Awww that's so sweet*) my mom said (*Amelia your first word was daddy so now you know how I felt*) her mom laughs. Amelia looks at me and smiles (*You told him to do that*) she giggles (*No I didn't*) I chuckle (*Maybe he said it because you call me that all the time*) I whisper. She gasp and hit my arm (*Oww sorry*) I laugh. (*I don't like you right now*) she giggled walking over to Loren (*I LOVE YOU*) I yell (*LOVE YOU TOO IDIOT*) she said making me laugh. I play with Jackson still surprised he said daddy!!!

(Time skip)

Everyone left and I put Jackson to bed because it was getting late. I walk back to our room and I don't see Amelia (*Babe*) I ask (*What*) she said coming out of the bathroom (*Oh nothing I was just wondering where you were*) I smile walking up to her. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me passionately (*We need to go shopping*) she says (*For what*) I ask (*Baby clothes, baby bottles, two car seats*) she giggles. I nod and hug her (*I'm tired*) she said (*Let's go to bed then*) I chuckle. I lift her up and carry her to the bed (*We can go shopping tomorrow*) I say taking my shirt off. She was staring at me smiling (*What*) I laugh (*Nothing. I just like the view*) she smirks (*oh really*) I say sitting on the bed facing her. She nods sitting on my lap and kisses me

(*I love you so much*) she smiles (*Hey that's my line*) I said making her giggle (*I love you more*) I say pecking her lips

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(*I love you so much*) she smiles (*Hey that's my line*) I said making her giggle (*I love you more*) I say pecking her lips. I lay her down so I'm hovering over her. I kiss her neck down to her stomach (*Hi babies how are you doing*) I say (*Im curious what your first word will be because your big brother Jackson said his first word today and it was daddy*) I say looking up at Amelia who just rolled her eyes. I laugh (*One if you have to say mommy but I'll be cool if you say daddy too*) I smile kissing her stomach. I kiss Amelia and we go to bed.
I'm sorry it's short. I'm really sick :(
But I hope you like it!!

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