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• Jacob P.O.V •
(*JACOB ARE YOU SERIOUS*) Loren screamed jumping up and down (*yes now shhhh*) I laugh walking into the kitchen. (*oh my god my bestie is getting married*) Loren said as she sat down (*well if she says yes she will*) I say calling my mom (*oh she will she loves you*) she said making me smile.

(Phone conversation j is for Jacob and p is for patty Jacobs mom)

J: hey mom

P: hey honey how are you??

J: I'm good, I need you to take Amelia out for a girls day or whatever it is you guys call it

P: yeah I love being with Amelia. Will she bring Jackson?

J: yes I'm planning something for tonight

P: ok what are you planning

J: dinner I'm having you dad and Caroline come plus all of me and Amelia's friends

P: ok what time??

J: 6 and dress nice

P: ok honey love you

J: love you too bye

P: bye sweetheart

(End of conversion)

(*ok time to call the rest of the gang*) I say as me and Loren start making phone calls.
• Amelia P.O.V •
I woke up and went downstairs to see Loren and Jacob talking very quietly (*uhhh hi guy*) I say. They look up and Jacob puts away a paper he had on the table (*hey baby good morning*) he said hugging me (*good what's going on*) I ask getting a cup of coffee (*oh nothing just talking to Loren*) he said looking at Loren who was smiling like an idiot (*why are you so happy Loren*) I ask giggling (*nothing just in a good mood.....uh bye*) she said getting up and leaving. (*so baby my mom wanted to take you out for a girls day while me and the guys go out*) he said putting his hands on my waist (*oh ok am I taking Jackson or is he gonna go with you*) I say wrapping my arms around his neck (*no because my mom wants to see him...again*) he chuckled (*ok well I'm gonna go get ready*) I say walking upstairs (*NO MAKEUP YOU DON'T NEED IT*) he yelled I just smiled. I got dressed and walked downstairs to see Jacob talking to his mom (*hey patty*) I said hugging her (*hi sweetheart are you ready to get our nails done*) she said (*yeah I just gotta put Jackson in his car seat*) I said grabbing Jackson and putting him in his car seat (*ok GIRLS DAY*) patty yelled making me laugh. (*well have fun babe*) I say kissing Jacob (*you too love you*) he said hugging me (*love you too*) I said walking out the door.
• Jacob P.O.V •
(*ok dude what do you want us to do*) Blake said in a happy mood (*umm ok one why are you so happy and two I need you to go to the flower shop and get Amelia a bouquet of roses*) I said to Blake (*ok I'll go get them and I'm happy because then I'll have an idea on what to do when I ask Ariel out*) he said grabbing his keys (*ok and red roses she loves red roses*) I yell and he gives me a thumbs up. (*dude I can't believe you're gonna ask her to marry you*) mark said eating a apple (*I love her so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her*) I say looking at the ring (*awwww*) Hunter yelled making us all laugh. Ok time to make Amelia mine forever!
Amelia P.O.V •
(*oh my god your baby is so cute*) the lady doing my nails said (*oh thank you*) I smile (*how old is he*) she asked (*two weeks and I feel great*) I giggle (*that's great when I had my daughter I was sick for about three weeks. And I'm amazed because you look amazing for just having a baby*) she said looking at Jackson. (*I miss when my daughter was that little. So what's his name*) she asked going back to doing my nails (*Jackson*) I smile (*aww how old are you. You look young*) she said sweetly (*oh I'm 18 and his dad is 21 gonna be 22*) I say she looks up at me (*really you don't look that young*) she giggled (*oh thanks*) I giggle as she puts the nail polish on. We were finally done and patty showed me her nails (*wow your nails are cute*) I say (*I love yours*) she said (*hi baby look at grandmas nails what do you think*) she said as Jackson made a cute little noise (*I think he likes them*) I laugh.

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