23. OMG!!

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• Jacob P.O.V •
I woke up to see Amelia sleeping on my chest (pic up top) (*hey baby wake up*) I whisper as I rub her back (*hmm I don't want to*) she groaned hugging me tighter (*we have to go get Jackson*) I chuckle (*ahh ok fine*) she sighed and got off me (*hey come back I want a kiss*) I whine (*you want a kiss because I don't have anything on*) she giggled. She walked into the bathroom to probably get ready because she can't walk out naked because she's my girlfriend not anyone else's I'm the only one who can see her naked. I got done getting dressed and heard the doorbell ring, I walked downstairs and answered the door (*AME--oh Jacob hi is Amelia here*) Loren asked (*nice to see you too and yeah she's upstairs getting ready*) I chuckle (*ok I need her help because she's the only one who would understand*) she said sitting on the couch (*oh then I don't want to ask if I can help*) I laugh. (*okay baby I'm ready to go get Jackson*) Amelia said walking into the living room (*hey babe I'll go get him Loren needs your help with something I probably don't want to know about right now*) I say kissing her cheek (*ok babe see you soon*) she said kissing me goodbye.
• Amelia P.O.V •
(*loren what's up*) I say sitting down beside her (*well do you have a pregnancy test*) she said. My eyes widened (*wh-what*) I say (*I think I'm pregnant*) she smiled (*really did you tell hunter*) I ask (*no not yet because I need to actually find out if I'm pregnant*) she said (*ok I have one in the bathroom in the cabinet*) I say. She nods and walks into the bathroom.


(*ok I'm gonna go check*) Loren said, I nod and she went to check the test (*what does it say*) I ask walking into the bathroom to see Loren smiling (*you look*) she smiled handing it to me "positive" (*OH MY GOD LOREN YOU'RE PREGNANT*) I yell hugging her and she hugged back (*I'm so happy*) she said pulling away from the hug. We walk back into the living room (*how are you gonna tell hunter*) I ask (*I don't know but I want it to be in a fun way*) she smiled. I smile and start jumping up and down (*MY BESTIES PREGNANT*) I scream (*chill Amelia chill*) she giggled, I heard the front door open so me and Loren shut up Immediately (*babe I'm home*) I hear Jacob yell (*In the kitchen*) I said looking over at Loren (*no we're not telling him*) she whispered (*oh come on him and hunter are like best friends*) I say back (*no I'm telling hunter first*) she said (*okay fine*) I sigh. Jacob walked in the kitchen and kissed me (*what's going on*) he asked (*nothing*) me and Loren said at the same time (*ok, well I'm gonna run upstairs and take a shower*) he said handing me Jackson and walking upstairs. (*Let's look up ideas on how to tell hunter that you're pregnant*) I say grabbing my laptop (*sure but I want it to be in a cute way*) she smiled (*ok that's what google is for*) I laugh as I start searching for cute ideas.
• Loren P.O.V •
I can't believe I'm pregnant I hope Hunter is as happy as I am. (*what's wrong*) Amelia asked (*I'm just scared what if I won't be a good mom*) I say (*don't worry I still get worried if I won't be the perfect wife and mom Jacob wants for his family...but you Loren you'll make a wonderful mother I know it*) she smiled giving me a hug (*thanks Amelia I needed that*) I giggle. It's been fifteen minutes of looking through ideas on how to tell hunter I'm pregnant (*wait I have an idea*) Amelia said getting up from the table and walking to the kitchen (*what are you doing*) I ask seeing her grab a marker (*we're going to the candy store and when we get back you're calling hunter and the rest of our friends and family over*) she said grabbing her purse (*wait what about Jacob*) I ask (*JACOB*) she yelled (*what babe*) he said drying his hair with a towel (*me and Loren are going to the store*) she smile as he walked down the stairs (*can I come*) he asked (*no*) I said quickly (*why*) he asked looking at Amelia (*I need tampons*) Amelia said making me laugh (*oh yeah I'll stay here with Jackson*) he said kissing her cheek and walking back upstairs. I look at Amelia (*what*) she said opening the door (*tampons really out of all the things at a store you said tampons really....really*) she laughed walking outside with her (*it's a topic that guys do not want to talk about*) she giggled getting into the car. I can't believe I'm gonna be a mom this is amazing I've always wanted to be a parent but I hope I'm a good one....
____________________________________LOREN'S PREGNANT ❤️💜 yay what will hunter think 💭

-Taylor 🖤

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