[24] Sudden

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[24] Sudden

Angel's POV

"I know that sometimes I'm lacking! But please don't do this to me? I gave you all that I have!! Wasn't that enough for you? Am I still not worth it?!" I asked while tears are streaming down my face.

"Don't you appreciate the things I've done for you?! Did you even care? Or do you just want to get attention?" I can't believe that I fell for him!

"Of all people, why you!?! I trusted you! I gave you my time, my effort, my everything! You should've told me sooner, then I'd be able to change everything for you. I can change for you just don't leave me please!" I said almost pleading. For the first time in my life this is the first time that I pleaded.

"Was that satisfying?" I asked and the comments of the viewers are passing by so fast. Some of them are just praising my acting.

I wiped my eyes and looked at the monitor.

"I've been said that I should be an actress but I'm not interested. It's all hard work and stress." I'm already famous for killing so many people so why would I be famous for being an actress? Sometimes I just want to scream to the whole world that I'm a demon-like gangster.

"I have to go. I need to do something." I said and ended the live. There are so many reactions and viewers. My popularity on social media will increase but if they knew that I was a gangster they will have to look twice on my face. It's hard to believe that I'm a gangster when I have an angelic face. My name is Angel after all.

Wait... I was wondering... where's Nathan? I haven't seen him since last night. I called him on his phone but it's turned off. Hmm. Where is he? Maybe I'll go look for him. After I eat lunch.

I went down stairs and opened the fridge and closed it immediately.

'I need to go to the grocery store.'

Maybe I'll buy food while I'm looking for Nathan.

I went back to my room and saw Joaquin using his laptop. I just passed him and went to get my purple dress. I hanged the dress beside the mirror and removed my tshirt. I saw Joaquin staring at me while I'm taking off my tshirt. Hehehehehe.

I pretended to act like I couldn't get the tshirt off and slowly turned around to face him and finally take off my tshirt. Then I took off my leggings in a slow motion way and put on my dress then I wore a black little short under my dress. I closed the zipper on my back and grabbed my hand bag.

I went out of the room leaving him drool over what he saw. I'll tempt him even more when I get back after shopping for some food.


Wooh! Shopping by myself is exhausting. But it's fun. It's like I'm all grown up. I haven't been shopping for a while. I should do this often.

"Ugh!" I said as I carry all the paper bags in my hands. I opened the door but the lights are out so I put the bags at the counter first and opened the lights.


A teddy bear?? A human sized teddy bear. It's pink. –__–' And there are balloons at the hand of the bear.


What is this?!! Who made this? And what's with the 'I'm sorry' thing?

"You're here." I heard a voice said. It's him.

"What's this?" I asked. " I made it. Is it too much?" He answered and walked towards me. But why? Why is he apologizing?

"Look, I can't handle this any longer. I need to tell you this now before I leave." He said in a sad way. He's what? It can't be.

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