[28] Is he a Fanboy???

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[28] Is he a Fanboy???

Angel's POV

I'll just make lunch for now. But this pain on my back is disturbing me. I can't move as much as I used to.

I'll just endure this until this day ends. We still have a fight tonight. So I have to be strong. This pain is just nothing. I need to fight tonight. Besides, it's been so long since I fought in battles.

I opened the box that I bought and put out all the food and put it in the fridge. I picked out the ingredients that I'll use to experiment on the food.

Hmm. I think I'll try the spicy noodles and mozzarella cheese. Then I'll cook lasagna with chicken. Hahahaha. I'm getting hungry already. I have to start cooking so we could eat.

Speaking of Joaquin. He is just watching a movie in the living room. Tch. He didn't even dared to help me with cooking. What will he do if I'm gone then? There's no one who will take care of him, no one will cook food for him. He's so lazy. But I know that will never happen. No one can separate us. Even if we argue like a cat and a dog we can't be separated from each other. We both know how much we love each other. And if someone dared to take him or even steal him away from me, they're going to see hell for the first time and I swear it won't be good.

By the way what is he watching? I looked at the small window on the wall and looked at the living room but then I averted my eyes from the tv and just continue to cook. I'll just pretend that I didn't saw my fiancee watching a porn movie. Well it's not actually porn but there is a part where they are doing 'something'. And I know you know what I mean by the word 'something'.

After a couple of minutes I finished cooking the noodles with mozzarella cheese and I must say that the combination is so amazing! I so brilliant. It took me 10 minutes to remove the water out of the noodles since I can't see anything because of the steam and some of the noodles fell in the drain. Now I just gotta wait for the lasagna in the oven.

After a couple of minutes of waiting the lasagna is cooked and we can start eating. I called Joaquin to eat but he said we can just eat at the living room while watching a movie. I put the food on the tray and carry all of them it's not quite heavy but I can still manage.

I paused the movie he was watching and switched it to something else. It's inappropriate to eat while watching porn. It's feels like my stomach is in a blender.

"Hey! I was watching that!" He exclaimed. Grabbing the remote on my hand but I moved it away.

"I don't like what you're watching. Besides this one is better than the movie you were watching." I said and played the movie Despicable Me 3. I haven't watched it but I bet this is going to be awesome.

"Despicable Me 3?" He asked and I smiled at him as an answer.

"That's boring and at the same time it's for babies and children." He uttered looking bored.

"You should at least try before commenting on it. Maybe you'll like it." I said.

"Huh. We'll see." He said and I played the movie.


"Why didn't you say this was spicy?" He asked while getting some water in the fridge.

"You know that I was experimenting some recipes, so it's not my fault that you suddenly put so many on your mouth without tasting it first." I said while chuckling.

"You're just a pig that's why." I teased and grinned. "Drink milk, it will extinguish the spicy taste in your mouth." I added advising him.

"Who are you calling a pig? Why don't you look at yourself first then try to say it while looking at the mirror." He said and laughed and I glared at him.

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