Chapter 5

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They followed me upstairs into Selena's room. It was a little awkward, but whatever. When they walked into her room she jumped to the other kid.

"Abel!" She hugged him.
"Hey Selena" he hugged her back. "So uh, who's your friend?"

She backed off him, and looked at me.
"That's Taylor, or Tay"
He shot Harry a look, and then he smirked.

"Hey", he waved awkwardly, and I did too. I could tell Selena wanted me to say hi to Harry, but my mouth just couldn't.
"So you already met Harry?" Abel asked.
"Uh yeah" I said shyly

I sat on Selena's bed. "So how old are you two?"
"I'm seventeen" Harry said sitting next to me on Selena's bed. "And Abel's eighteen"
"Tay and I are sixteen" she smirked.
"Let's go to my hangout room" she took Abel's  hand and they walked to the hangout room together. I noticed Harry looking at my hand, and I quickly stood up and walked out, he followed.

I plopped on a futon, and Harry sat next to me. He must like me, he keeps following me and it's giving me butterflies. I don't know what to say, Abel and Selena are really hitting it off, and Harry and I are just...there.

"So why are you so quiet?" He broke the ice, and all I wanted to ask was 'why are you so cute?' But I couldn't.

"Reasons" I shuffled closer to him, and turned so we were face to face.
"So you play guitar?" I ask
"Yeah. You?" He states.
"I just sing, and play piano." I lied, I knew how to play but maybe he'd offer me lessons so we can hang out. Woah. I'm never like this, where I want to hang out with a guy. I guess he's something special.

"Well maybe I can help you out, after school or something."
I just nodded and smiled. "What's your schedule?"

"First period History with Par, second period Math with Bradshaw, third period Chemistry with Tobin, fourth period Lunch, fifth period till eight period language arts, ninth and tenth period gym and eleventh period study hall." He smirked at me.

"Well you're sixteen and in senior classes"
"Well me and Selena are kinda smart"

"Well I know we have fourth and eleventh period together. Maybe we can skip and go to the auditorium and I'll teach you there" He smirked.
I wanted to scream but I stayed cool.

"Okay" I smiled at him and he smiled at me. I had butterflies going everywhere and my heart pumping so fast.

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