Chapter 7

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I thought he was going to kiss me, but he got off me. He helped me to my feet.
"Feel better now?"
"Much better"
"I can tell, you look cute when you blush" He winked at me.
I felt embarrassed. I'm blushing! Why?
"Did you just call me cute?"
Harry choked on his words. I chuckled, and I grabbed his hand and we started skating again. I could be screaming my head off right now! He thinks I'm cute! OMG! I'm probably blushing so much more now, but I don't care. Harry thinks I'm cute!


It was almost 8:30 so we decided to go inside and have hot chocolate and watch a movie. As I changed into sweats and long sleeves, the boys were putting in Me Before You to the dvd player and Selena was making hot chocolate. I walked into the hangout room and I was pulled onto the futon by Abel. Um no thanks, he's supposed to be with Selena. I tried getting up.
"Let me go Abel" I struggled, and he let out a chuckle.
"Just cuddle with me for a few."
He let go of me, and I sat on the futon across from him, and he kept smiling like it was playful. I guess it was and I was salty, but he's gonna get it with Selena and I can't take him away from her.

Maybe it was a best friend cuddle or something, I don't know, but I know I'd rather cuddle Harry.

A few minutes later

Harry walked in, he gave Abel a weird look, and Abel gave him one back. What does that mean? Some weird boy code?

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