Chapter 23

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After eating I got changed. Black dress and black ankle boots. I was ready to go to Harry's, Madison heard about him throughout school and I guess she wanted me to hang with me. Whatever, I'm just happy I'm going to be with Harry for a few hours. I sent him a quick message to meet me outside his house.

"Tay you ready?"
"Yeah Maddie" I said grabbing my winter coat. I headed for the door, and Madison bumped me out of the way. I ignored it and walked behind her to her car. She had like some Range Rover. As we were driving in the dark, I was watching the light snow hit the ground.

"So what's the deal with this boy?" She pulled over, we weren't at his house.
"I like him. I think he likes me, we slept together at Selena's and that's really it. We had some drama today, but he apologized."

"You go girl!" She said playfully. "But listen, if he hurts you, come right to me."
"Why?" She started her car again.
"I Edith want my sister getting hurt, or to end up like me. You shouldn't be boy crazy, so just stick to Harry, he seems nice." We were driving again.

"He is" I said why,y smiling to myself. As we approached his house, Madison slowed down. I saw him outside his house. He noticed me, and started walking to the car as I got out.
"Hey" he said wrapping his arms around me. "I'm gonna put you through my window then meet you back inside" Is he crazy? What if I get caught?

"Why not just introduce me to your family?"
"Just trust me"
"Okay" I took a deep breath. We were walking along his house, and he stood on a shed. He helped me onto it and he put me on his shoulders to open the window. It was scary, if he slipped I was dead. We were fine tho, I got in fine. While I waited for him I sat on his bed looking at his big room. There was a lot of pictures, and he had a mini couch, some of his hockey jerseys up, and a desk. He had two doors, one probably a closet, and the other maybe a bathroom. I went to go look, but Harry came in the room. He sat next to me on his bed. "Nice room"
"I didn't know you played hockey" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

He just chuckled and looked down.
"It isn't my favorite thing, but see that door. In there's a small studio, and that's one of my favorite things" He had a big smile and it made me happy.

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