Chapter 14

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"Sorry I broke down in front of you today, I don't usually do it with people around."
"Wait, you break down?"
Crap. Why did I say that? Now I have to tell him, or change the subject, but that may be hard.
"Let's eat our lunch" I stood up and helped Harry to his feet. We walked onto the stage. We started eating our lunch, and the tension was very sick. Harry is going to find out the real me, and I barely know him. As much as I like him, I can't scare him away. I can tell him later on, right? Yeah later on.

I looked up at Harry, who finished his lunch, I did too. "Yeah?" I shyly replied.
"What happens when you're alone?"
I choked. I don't know how to respond. I can't tell him.
"Nothing really, just singing. I usually hang out with Selena so-"
"Taylor, you break down and cry. Don't lie"
"You don't know me yet, I don't plan on telling you my dark side yet. Give me time!"
I was a little mad. If he fought back I'd cry, and he noticed.

"I can wait" He gently held my hand. "We don't have much time for guitar lessons, but maybe after school I can ask Abel to drop us off at the music shack?" I felt a small smile begin to grow on my face.

"That sounds nice" I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me.
"Alrighty, let's get to class" He grabbed his bag and stood up. I picked mine up too, and we began to walk to our lockers. I held his hand, and tried to ignore all the stares. Maybe they found out I hit Stephanie, maybe they thought Harry was weird, or it's weird I'm holding hands with a guy. As we approached my locker, the intercom speakers turned on.

"Taylor Swift down to the main office please"

I felt my stomach drop so deep. I looked at Harry, and he looked at me. I let go of his hand.
"Confidence, remember that" He kissed my cheek, and I walked away. I could puke if I wanted to, but I needed to play it cool. How can I do that tho? I'm clearly guilty, so I guess I just have to own up to it. Ugh this kills me. I didn't know why I was opening the main office door, I just was. As I walked in, all eyes were on me and the principal stood in his office doorway. Great.

"In here Miss Swift" he backed away and held the door open for me. I walked into his office and saw Stephanie the ginger. Ew. I took a seat next to her. We exchanged the dirty looks, or she did at least I just sank into my seat. The tension was built extremely high in the room, and you could cut it with a knife. As Mr.Smith took a seat behind his desk in a wheel chair, I was figuring out my story.

"So Taylor you're a good kid, and I'm very confused on why you would hit Stephanie. Please explain yourself, and no lying please. I sat up in my seat and let out a small laugh.

When I Lost You, I Lost MyselfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin