Chapter 20

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"Where were you?"
"Where was I? Where were you?!" After class you went with Emma not even letting me know you weren't picking me up. I waited after my detention for you, but Abel came instead. If you didn't want to hang out you could've told me, you didn't need to ditch me" I crossed my arms and bit down hard on my teeth. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't let him see me upset again.

"Oh" He looked down upset. "I guess I got distracted. I'm sorry" I didn't know what to say, I just wanted to put him on blast.
"You can yell at me, you need to let it out. I'll be fine"
"Do you know Emma is friends with Stephanie? She bullied me too. I know you didn't know, but she did. Seeing you guys hug and look in love, kinda hurt. You not walking with me to detention because you were with her, sucked. You could've told me you were walking with her. I mean not to mention, you were the reason I had detention, but then after you stood me up. You didn't even come to pick me up, your best friend did. You could've told me you had to cancel our plans, I didn't want to hear it from Abel."

I was shaking. My emotions were about to burst and Harry was going to deal with it.
"I thought detention ended at 3:30"
"I wonder who told you that" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry Taylor. I was being a jerk to you. I didn't know she was mean to you. She was really nice to me, and I should've told you I was going to hang out with her. I just haven't seen her in a while ever since I last saw her" He walked to me. He hugged me.

"You gonna cry?"
"Yeah" I said sniffling.
"Okay" He said squeezing me a little tighter comforting me as I cried. I was just crying. I was out of tears in only a few minutes, so I pulled away.
"You wanna hear a story?"

"Okay once upon a time there was a cute British boy who liked to sing and play guitar. He made videos and his best friend did too. They were becoming famous, and some guy wanted to take them on a tour with other rising stars and the two boys agree. They met some cool kids, and even one pretty girl who was falling for the kids best friend, and he was falling for her too. Everyone called them Abemma, and they were almost a couple but the tour started to suck. Everyone was quitting, and so the two boys went to California to find out the girl lives in California too. Now she is over Abemma, and wants to start Hemma. But the kid is into another girl, and she's into him. Who knows what might happen. The end."

"That was a weird story"
"There are weirder ones I can tell you about the tour"
"Wait this was a legit thing?"
He smiled at me.

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