Chapter 21

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Okay so it turns out Harry is like really famous, he has songs on iTunes, and many followers and he's been on tv. How did I never find him?
"I can't believe you're like really famous, I just thought like a few thousand followers"
"Crazy right?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "So are you better now?"
"Yeah, but it's almost five and I have to go home and eat then be locked in a cage for another night" We both chuckled.
"Have you ever thought about sneaking out?" My mood changed real quick, I got a little down.
"Every time I think about sneaking out, I'd rather just run away. I have nowhere to go so I just stay"
"Well if you sneak out, come to my place" He gave me a piece of paper with his address.

"And if you need a break from your family, mines always open" He smirked at me. I smiled, and I bet I was blushing.
"Thanks. Let me go clock out, and-"
"Then Abel can take us home" He was cute, and I could stay with him forever and be perfectly fine with it.
"Now go on" He said shooing me away. I just chuckled and and checked out.

I put on my coat and walked out to Abel's car. Harry was in the front, leaving me in the back. Abel and I exchanged our hellos.
"So are you going to tell Selena about your career?"
"She already knows"
"Well what about Abemma?" He hit the breaks, causing all of us to hit our seat hard.
"If you tell her I will never forgive you. I want to tell her at the right time" He started driving again. He got really sensitive about Abemma, maybe something bad happened Harry didn't say. It's none of my business anyway.

When Abel stopped again, I wondered what he'd yell, but I realized I was in my driveway.
"Thanks see you later", I got out of his car and walked up to my door. I stood there, really debating if I want to go in. If I don't I can hide, and my dad wouldn't find me, I have no phone. Or I go in, and have a miserable night. I slowly looked back at the guys, back at my front door, and then my door opened. It was my dad, and he pulled me right inside.

"Who are those boys?"
"My friends"
"Did you even go to the shack?"
"Yeah" Why was he so salty? I mean I came home the same time as usual. I just kept quiet while he ranted, but Harry crossed my mind.

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