1: A New Beginning

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Chapter 1: A New beginning

"And coming up next on ABC is the new season of 'The Bachelorette'," A thick voice boomed through the speakers of the flat screen T.V. as a short preview of the show aired. The preview had been enough to get all viewers watching excited. It was known to the human population that ‘The Bachelorette" was one of the most entertaining and intense reality T.V. show of all time. "Tonight we meet Amethyst and the five guys competing to win the title of her husband."

-- In an earlier interview –

"Good evening to all the viewers watching at home!" A blonde woman smiled proudly at the camera, speaking through her words as if she had rehearsed them over one hundred times. "I’m Amanda Greyhound, your host for the evening. Here I am with Amethyst Dawn, who will appear this season of ‘The Bachelorette’."

"Hey, guys!" The camera had now shifted to a petite body sitting on a sofa close to Amanda’s chair. The woman appearing on screen, obviously Amethyst, waved happily to everyone watching.

"We have an hour or so before the boys show up, meanwhile I’ll be asking a few questions for the pre-show," Amanda spoke, looking directly at the camera. Amethyst did the same until a stage director motioned for both to look at each other. "Shall we get started?"

"So, Amethyst are you ready for this next month?" Amanda asked, struggling to remember the designated questions.

"Yes, I’m super excited. For once I’ll have the chance to know a guy before they try and walk off." Amethyst giggled, the audience soon doing the same. It might have been funny, but Amethyst couldn’t be more honest.

"Ooh, so are you telling us you aren’t capable of keeping a guy?" Amanda frowned, waiting for an answer. The crowd also made a kind of gasping sound caught off gaurd of why Amanda had just asked.

"No, no, no. Not at all, ha," Shaking her head, Amethyst rummaged through her brain to find a reasonable and understandable explanation of what she had meant. "It’s just, usually, with a guy, we lose connection or we sometimes don’t have time for each other. That’s why I’m on this show; I want to find someone worth my time, someone who I can connect with."

"Well, that certainly clears things up." The blonde interviewer smiled, just as Amethyst shrugged.

"Sorry to interrupt but the guys will be here shortly and Amethyst needs to go pamper herself before she goes to greet them!" The other main host of the show gently said, smiling at the camera instead of looking at both Amethyst and Amanda.

"Seems as if this concludes our pre-show. Stay tuned for the greetings!" Amanda winked at the cameraas she waited for the scene to finally be cut.

"Thanks for the interview," Amethyst shakes Amanda's hand while roling her eyes realizing Amanda was rude throughout the interview. Then, she looked at the camera, waving rapidly. "I hope you all watch this new season! See ya."


-- Amethyst’s P.O.V --

The first limo pulled up, making my stomach flip of nervousness. I didn’t know what to expect of this show or the men, but I knew only to hope for the best. A short man with brown hair stepped out the white limo, his bright blue eyes glued to me as he walked up a set of stairs. Once standing before me, he spoke. "’Ello there, love. My name is Louis Tomlinson. It‘s very nice to meet such a lovely lady."

Louis bowed, stretching his hand out to me. I curtsied, giggling softly before laying my hand in his. He kissed it, stood up, and winked. We both laughed. "‘Ello there, Mister Louis. I’m Amethyst."

"What a lovely name." He stated honestly.

"Thank you," I replied, smiling kindly at him. The limo that had delivered him over was already accelerating to leave. I broke out of my silence trance and turned my attention back to Louis. "There are rooms all over the house, so you may go in and be the first to pick your room. You‘ll be staying in whichever one you pick for the next few weeks."

Louis thanked me, and excused himself before going inside. I waved, taking a deep breath as I waited for the next arrival. Five minutes passed and the next limo pulled up. This one, was however, black. The door opened and all I was able to see at first was the top of a man's head, his curly dark brown hair impressively staying in the same possision. I stretched out my hand for a polite hand shake when he had finally reached me. "Hi, I’m Amethyst … nice to, err …!"

All of a sudden, I am swept off my feet, and crushed into a nice warm hug. "… Meet you." I finished my sentence, my voice coming out forced and choked. The boy set me down, smiling warmly. He introduced himself after having flipped the hair out of his face. "Hi, I’m Harry."

"Ooh, another British accent, I see." I winked, smirking. Then after, I led him inside, reciting the instruction I had told Louis.

As soon as I was back outside, a third limo pulled up. Out of it came a boy, who hardly looked at me, instead looking up at the sky. To my surprise, he shouted, "I need hair gel!"

He started walking toward me like a high school jock, his confidence essential and obvious. I looked at the ground and chuckled, shaking my head. When I finally looked back up, I took notice of how tall his hair was. I don‘t know why, but I started talk before even realized I was. "I know what my first thing to do with you this week is."

"And what is that, my love?" He asked, finally having stood in front of me.

"Measure your hair, ha! " I fell into a fit of giggles, having found my comment hilarious. He just chuckled, doing the cool guy sniff. "I’m Zayn Malik, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Zayn. I’m Amethyst. The others are inside." I motioned him to the door, and sent him an encouraging smile before returning to the spot outside.

A little time passed before the next limo pulled up. Another short figure appeared out the car, but this one was blonde. He walked up and looked at me, his arm against a pole, try to act sly. "Top of the morning to ya."

I tried to keep a straight face but then burst out laughing. I looked up, as my laughter doubled. The boy just stared at me, confused but a bit amused. I shook my head, and calmed down. "I’m sorry but that was just so cute. I’m Amethyst, by the way. And you are?"

"I’m Niall Horan." He smiled, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you, "I cooed. "Oh, and the accent is completely adorable."

"Thanks." He grinned and looked down at the ground. I took him inside, soon after going back outside to wait for the next guy.

A few minutes later the last limo for the evening showed up. A calm-looking gentleman in a suit and tie jumped out, after he walked to reach me. "Hello, my darling, I’m the one and only, Liam Payne." I shook his offered hand.

"Nice to meet you, the famous and low voiced Liam Payne." I said grinning. We look at the door and he holds out his arm. "Shall we?"

"Let’s." I say as we link arms and walk in with all the others.


The last limo came around 10:00 P.M. It had been Liam’s. I had had a long day, so I quickly walked in to tell the boys goodnight. "It was nice meeting you all today. I look forward to getting to know all of you, so get comfortable and I will see your bright and shining faces tomorrow morning."

I received sweet adorable replies saying, "Goodnight."


Thanks everyone for reading my first chapter. Please vote and tell your friends to come read. Plus i need you guys to comment below what you think and your ideas on whats good and bad. I will do my best to please you all! ( Editing by: FanfictionGnome and Panderbearwolf)

Love you all! I will try to upload as much as possible!

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