Chapter 1, The Shattering.

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It had been eight weeks since Yoongi had seen you. Eight long agonizing weeks he thought to himself as he made his way to the car waiting for him outside the airport.

"Welcome back Mr. Min, good time in Japan?" He looked to his driver Jin Soo, clapping his hand to his. "As always Jin Soo, I'm just excited I got to come back home early since the boys wanted to stay behind for a bit of vacationing." Opening the door for Yoongi to climb in Jin Soo gave him a smile, "I'm sure Min Sun is excited to see you then."

"She has no idea actually, I figured I'd surprise her." he said to the driver with a gummy smile.

"Ah, very exciting Mr. Min." Jin Soo responded as he closed the door.

Yoongi laid his head to rest on the back of his seat. He could feel butterflies forming in his stomach, as if it was his first date with you all over again from over a year ago. The past eight weeks had not been easy, it was the longest he'd ever been apart from you. Usually he was able to fly back to Seoul for a day between shows on tour but this schedule allowed no time for either of you to meet one another. He held the small gift in his hands that he picked up for you while in Japan, a beautiful silver pendant with a "Y" charm - he couldn't wait to see it around your neck. Anytime he went away he always made sure to bring back a gift, he enjoyed bringing a part of his trip home to you and it helped ease his guilt for leaving you so many times a year. But it's why he loved you so much, no matter how many times he left, you were always waiting for him, he couldn't understand what he had done to have received someone so patient and loving, someone who had put up with his low moods, long work hours and week long business trips. The other members weren't too pleased when he said he'd be headed back to Seoul as soon as their last show closed in Hong Kong.

"Tonight? But we wanted to go for some shopping tomorrow." Taehyung whined.

"Yes and knowing you that means the shopping will last days, sorry but if I have spare time I'm going home to spend it with Min Sun, we're always in Japan, we can go shopping next time." Yoongi said shoving the last of his belongings into this bag, making sure he left nothing in the hotel room.

"It's okay leave him, Yoongi-hyung is whipped beyond repair" the young maknae giggled, slapping Yoongi on the back.

"Is that so Jungkook? Well I have a girlfriend - and you don't, you wish you were whipped." Yoongi retorted back, zipping up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He gave each of the boys a hug, saying his goodbyes and headed out the door.


The car pulled up to the apartment you shared with Yoongi, you had purchased it together six months ago and made it your home. As fun as it was having Min Sun at the dorm with the boys thought Yoongi, you both needed your own space and privacy, a space where Seokjin wasn't barging into the room every time you two happened to be a tangle of limbs. Sin Joo stepped out to open the door for Yoongi, "Best of luck Mr. Min, enjoy your time at home." he said to the young man as he held the door open for him. "Thankyou Sin Joo."

Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw there were no paparazzi lingering around, everyone still thought he was in Japan. He made his way up to the complex, the doorman opening the glass door for him. "Oh, Mr. Min welcome home, we weren't expecting you for another few days." A little bit too much shock on the man's face Yoongi wondered, he supposed because the man usually always knew when Yoongi was coming and leaving.

"Thankyou and change of plans, please don't let word of my coming home get out."

"Of course Mr. Min."

With that Yoongi left the man and made his way to the elevator. The butterflies were back, sending his stomach in twists, exciting ones. He missed you so much and could not wait to hold you and have these few days with you. He stepped into the elevator, pressing the button to the ninth floor and turning his key into the slot. It was a small complex, ten floors with a large condo on each floor, most of the residents were either other idols, retirees or people too rich to ever be home. But it was right in Seoul, between both Big Hit and the dorms, perfect for him and not too far from your workplace.

The elevator doors opened directly into your condo, Yoongi stepping out and feeling right at home. He could smell the lingering scent of vanilla, one of the candles you always burned after he told you how much he enjoyed the scent. He dumped his bags at the door and continued inside. He didn't see any traces of you out in the main room or else you would have come running when you heard the elevator open onto the floor. Yoongi thought it's possible you were still sleeping, it was only 10AM on a saturday and just like him you always stayed in bed for as long as possible. He made his way down the hall, his gift clutched in one hand the other over his stomach trying to calm down the excited knots. Your shared bedroom was all the way at the end of the hall, Yoongi walked over to the door gently turning the knob to not startle you. He looked in, the large white bedroom still the same, books and papers strown everywhere, the blinds completely shut to not let in any morning light. He saw your figure on the side of the bed, laying face down on your stomach on top a pile of pillows and Yoongi smiled because he missed this sight. He padded over as quietly as possible, not wanting his shoes to make any noise on the hardwood floors. When Yoongi got to the bed, he felt as if he had been punched in the stomach - all air leaving his body. "No. This, this can't be happening again." he choked on his words, seeing that his girlfriend was not alone in the bed, there was another male laying next to her, "what the fuck."

You jolted awake at the sudden noise, thinking it was Jooheon making his way out like he does every morning, only you opened your eyes to be staring right into Min Yoongi's face.

"Yoongi? What, what are you doing here?" 

Heal Me, Shatter Me [YOONGI x READER BTS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora