Chapter 15, The Panic.

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Content warning for: anxiety disorder, panic attack. 

"Will you stay still?" Yoongi muttered

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"Will you stay still?" Yoongi muttered. He reached up a thumb to wipe at your chin, cleaning off the ice cream that had lingered behind. He brought his thumb to his mouth and licked it off, making sure to stare you down when he did knowing it would make you flustered.

Trying to suppress your smile you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his chin.

Yoongi felt soft lips on his face, slowly waking him up from the dream he was enjoying. Fluttering his eyes open, he found your face above his.

"Was that you?" he said chuckling

"What was me?" you replied, leaning back down to press a kiss to the tip of his nose.

"It was you, I felt that kiss in my dream" closing his eyes enjoying the sensation of your lips trailing kisses along his jaw. He was disappointed he'd woken up from the dream, it was about to get better.

"Was I in this dream?" you whispered into his neck, placing a kiss there. A soft moan escaped Yoongi and you smiled into his neck, a blush creeping up your cheeks thankful he couldn't see it.

"Maybe" he said.

"You're such a tease Min Yoongi" pulling the collar of his shirt down and nipping just gently on the skin that was visible to no one. The next thing you knew, Yoongi had you flipped over on your back, your positions reversed him looking down at you.

"Say it again, say my name again" he said, leaning down till your foreheads touched, closing his eyes as you spoke again. You couldn't help the smile that stretched across your cheeks when you did as he requested.

"Min Yoongi" his name on your lips was like music to his ears, flipping his stomach and eliciting the smallest moan from the back of his throat, he was finding it harder to control himself around you every time he stole another touch. Yoongi titled to brush his nose against yours for a moment before finding your lips and connecting them in a soft kiss, deep not rushed but one it felt like he was trying to savour. Breaking the kiss Yoongi rested his forehead on yours again, releasing a heavy sigh. You opened your eyes to look at him, bringing your hand to the side of his face, brushing his hair behind his ear.

"Hey," you said in a hushed tone, Yoongi opened his eyes to look at you "you okay?"

Yoongi returned a small smile.

"Ya I'm okay jagiya, it's nothing." Nothing he thought, except it was everything. He wanted to explain how he was feeling but had no idea how or if he even should and at the same time he didn't want to leave this room, just stay in bed with you all day leaving kisses all over you.

"Okay" smiling at the name he used.

"I have to go and get ready" Yoongi said checking the time on the nightstand. You didn't want him to leave and neither did he but it was close to 7am and he wanted to return to the room before his younger brothers woke.

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