Chapter 16, The Trusting.

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It'd been just under a week since the incident in Japan, it was Thursday and you were at the next therapy appointment sitting in the same room with Yoongi. You were tired. Exhausted really, the trip to Japan had already been a straining one but the panic attack had exhausted your body making the week feel so long, your nightmares intensified. You knew Yoongi was tired too, comeback week was always long and exhausting. Yoongi sat on the small couch running a hand through your hair as you laid your head on his lap, waiting for Dr. Chong to come in. You closed your eyes, letting the humming of Yoongi's voice soothe and relax you.

"Will you be telling Dr. Chong about Japan?" you turned to look up at Yoongi. His mint hair was hiding under a beanie today, his brown eyes peering down at you. You traced the outline of his lips with your eyes, appreciating how soft and delicate they looked - remembering how soothing they were at the touch.

"What?" Yoongi said with a small laugh.

"Nothing, you're just really beautiful" you said reaching a hand up to cup his face.Yoongi turned his face so that his lip met your palm, placing a kiss on the inside.

"I think that's you" he said smiling down at you. It was still hard to believe him whenever he complimented you, you'd been called every horrible name in the book for a long time now.

"So, will you be telling her jagiya?" Yoongi ran his thumb over your eyebrow, wiping away the creases in your skin that were forming at your growing stress.

"I mean, I probably should right? I don't really want to ... I don't know" you exhaled a sigh.

"Why don't you try and if it gets too much, you can stop. Ok?" you nodded your head, closing your eyes trying to relax your breathing and heart rate that were picking up waiting for your appointment.

A moment later a knock sounded on the door and Dr. Chong walked in. You sat up quickly, straightening your clothes before she turned around to look at you.

"Hello Y/N, sorry for the wait" she said walking over to where you and Yoongi were sitting, "oh hello. I'm Dr. Chong" Yoongi stood making a small bow greeting her.

"Min Yoongi"

"Ah yes, Y/N told me about you, you're a great friend" you felt a small blush creeping up your cheeks at her statement "Y/N, was Yoongi going to stay for the appointment? I'd like you to get used to doing these sessions on your own, not get used to having someone with you"

"Uhm okay" you answered a bit hesitant.

"I'll be right outside, okay?" Yoongi leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head and made his way out, closing the door behind him. Your eyes stayed on the door, wishing Yoongi was next to you but you know you had to do it on your own.

"So Y/N, how was your week?"


"Alright, home?" Yoongi said putting the car into reverse and backing out of the parking lot. It was after 6pm and the sun had started to set. Yoongi pulled into the streets of Seoul, driving into the evening traffic.

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