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Amanda Bates (Alec) ⬆️ picture above

Confession 1...
Name's Amanda Bates, but you can call me Alec. There's not much to say except that I'm twenty-two, a lesbian, with tourette, and I like having LOTS of SEX!!... with girls that is... okay, okay on a serious note. Have you ever had an addiction that you just can't shake?, you want to, but can't. You can't sleep, you can't eat; all you focus on is that addiction. It becomes apart of you. I honestly don't know what it is about sex, it's an addiction .... it's the feeling of having body to body contact, or the noises she makes as I'm satisfying her wants and needs.

Maybe it's when I hold her body tight; even tighter as she's screaming my name telling me she wants it harder, as I press against her body and make her beg for more, whispering in her ear, "Tell daddy how good it feels?" Alec chuckles a little and slightly bends her head down. Hahaha... that can't be it, no it's all of the above. Her looks, her smell, the way she feels, how she acts when I gently kiss her neck making her feel like she's the only girl for me. Making her feel safe in my arms as I'm hitting that spot so hard she's begging me to stop.

The way she moans, and screams, and the scratches on my back. The way she arches her back and the eyes rolling in the back of her head; but my favorite part about pleasuring a woman, is making her cum. When she cums I know I did my job. I don't know what it is about sex that I love, I just know I have an addiction and that I need help." Alec says to the camera that has a red button recording what she says. A man is standing behind the camera and presses the pause button and looks at her.

"Are we done sir?" I say as I get up from the chair and fold my arms like I have an attitude. The man has trouble getting to me as he looks at the camera and adjusts his bifocal glasses. He has a speech impediment disorder which means he has a hard time communicating, in other words he stutters. I kind of feel bad for the guy. He reminds me a lot of my little brother Jeremy who's British and is adopted. "U...U..mmm ye..yea..yeah" Before he could finish I walked out the door and back to my room. I was walking down the hall to go to my room, until Dr. DeShawn my female psychiatrist who specializes in sex addictions; because she was an addict herself once before.

I see her out the corner of my eye trying to avoid eye contact, or any type for that matter; as soon as I glanced her direction she immediately stops what she's doing and rushes over to talk to me, like she has anything better to do. It's not that I'm trying to avoid Dr. DeShawn, it's.. it's just she's the type of woman I'd take to a party, get drunk, and have sex with and... ugh. So unprofessional I know, but Dr. DeShawn is in all honesty, hot as hell. It's her body that drives me crazy, the way she walks swaying her hips side to side like that as she passes me in the hallway and how good she smells with the perfume she wears. I believe it is Chanel Number 5; She has all the right curves and I can bet you she's good at what she does, and how her hair tied up in a ponytail just drives me insane.

"Alec Bates, wait I need to talk to you, do you have a moment?" Dr. DeShawn says as she rushes over to me with her hands in her jacket pocket."If I wasn't so addicted to sex I'd let Dr. DeShawn be the one; I'd settle down and start a family, but that'll never happen I want that to happen, it needs to happen; hopefully soon I'll find the one." I say to myself as I turn my head to the side and put my hands deep in my pants pocket, I lick my lips and look at her while kicking my foot back and forth.

I look up at her once more and put my hand over my mouth as I begin to yawn and as she's talking I tune her out only focusing on those luscious lips and I zone out picturing just the two of us in a room with the doors locked so that no one will disturb us. I'd lay her down gently on the floor with my arms wrapped around her body tightly. Our bodies pressed together I'd flip over having her on top of me while holding on to her waist as she's grinding on me having her hips move with my motion.

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