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Lapis's bedroom ⬆️ picture above

Dr. DeShawn walked Lapis and I to group as I kept my head down and placed my hands in my hoodie.

"Are you alright" she says to me as I look sideways. I don't say anything as I breathe in deep through my nose. Dr. DeShawn sees the two of us and walks over to us and tells us to keep up with her. I roll my eyes and don't say anything. As Lapis walks to group; Dr. DeShawn stops me and looks at me with anger in her eyes. I click my teeth in slow motion as I roll my eyes as she tells me to pull it together or else. Why does she do this to me knowing how bad I want her.

Maybe she does this just to tease me because she knows how bad I'll give it to her. Seeing her arch her back and moan my name as she holds onto her breast... she doesn't know how well that turns me on inside. I just want to fuck her so hard she won't even remember when to cum. She's begging for me to please her again; she just won't admit it to herself. I see the way she looks at me in group claiming to be read a book... yeah right.

When I breathe on her neck she starts to quiver inside as she places her hand behind her neck trying to play innocent; but instead I nod my head and proceed to group. I walk in and sit next to Amberlynn whose across from Kelly who is sitting next to Spencer. I look at Spencer as Lapis looks at me. She moves closer to me as I turn my back and see Dr. DeShawn taking notes as she doesn't face nor say anything to me. I could tell she was mad at me; I want to say I don't care but I do. I turn around as group beings to start.

When group ends Dr. DeShawn takes Lapis to her room leaving me alone. I slowly walk behind them so that I don't get docked for being left behind as I keep my head down. Dr. DeShawn walks Lapis to her door and before she walked away I grab her by the arm and rush her in my room as I slam the door and lock it. Lapis opens up her door as the other girls do the same and go back into their rooms as Lapis walks towards my door and knocks. I stare down Dr. DeShawn with so much rage in my eyes as I hear a knock on the door. I walk towards the door and see that it's her; she walks in with her arms folded and backs up into the corner.

I calm down after; as I see Dr. DeShawn was frightened.

"Dr. DeShawn... I... I'm sorry I kissed you, I'm sorry I had sex with you, I'm even sorry for those things I've said, but I'm not sorry for how I feel" I say to her as I turn my back and see Lapis over in the corner.

I walk towards Dr. DeShawn as she stares at me. No one says anything as I sit down in the chair with my hands over my head.

"Alec... are you alright?" Lapis says as she walks slowly towards me and places her hand on my shoulder.

I lift up my head as my eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. I shake my head no as tears fall from my face.

Go... Go...GO!" I say as my hands being to to shake. Lapis leaves as she closes the door behind her.

Dr. DeShawn looks at me and waits. She grabs my notebook off my nightstand and flips through it.

"Wow... you really know how to express yourself" she says as she sees one journal in particular as she reads it to herself; I look up at her and walk towards her.

She looks up at me as she makes room for me to sit. I wipe my mouth downward as I read along with her.

"This... journal is about SaraBeth" I say to her as my voice fades.

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