Justice League: The Spider

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He didn't know what to do now. They were all gone. Everyone he ever cared about was now gone. "It's all my fault." He silently said. He was Peter Parker but he was also Spider-Man. He was standing on the ledge of a building over fifty stories high looking down. The rain poured down from the dark night sky but he didn't care.

His suit was in tatters from his final battle with his greatest enemy. But at a great cost. Everyone was dead now and he blamed himself, the same thoughts keep going through his mind. That if he never put on the suit they would all still be alive. Now he had nothing left.

His body was battered and bruised and hurting, but it was nothing to the pain of his heart. Ever since the day he had lost his uncle he had tried to do the right thing because the wrong thing had cost his uncle his life. But for the past three years all he'd done WAS the right thing.

And yet still everyone close to him suffered. Now they were all gone. His life was empty and hollow now. There was nothing left for him. The police wanted him arrested for his actions and Jameson wanted to ruin him and blamed him for everything that seemed to go wrong.

He was labeled a villain but yet he wasn't. Why did everyone hate him for trying to use his powers for the right reasons? Why was he always persecuted? Why was everything in his life so hard and he'd had to suffer things no normal person his age ever had to deal with?

He had no answers. He didn't even know what to do next. His home was gone and was his family, friends…and his love. Tonight he had lost the last things in his life that mattered to him and now he had nothing left.

"What point is there for me to go on?" He asked himself. "Do I have anything worth fighting for? Do I have anything worth…living for?" He searched deep within himself for an answer. But he was tired. He was tired of having to fight all the time and no one appreciated it, he suffered and had sacrificed so much in his life and for what? Just to have everything taken away from him. He was just so tired of it all.

He just wanted it all to end, all the pain, all the suffering having to see the people around him suffer and die. So in his greatest moment of weakness he chose to end it, to stop it all. He took one step forward and started to fall into the darkness. He didn't feel anything at that moment he didn't want to, he just waited for the end, and then he saw the light.

The Watchtower, home of the Justice League was orbiting around the Earth. Currently the members were around the meeting table for a meeting that Batman had called them for. He sat there in his usual chair all dark and moody. "I've noticed that lately our team has been stretched a little thin lately." He said to them in his usual dark voice. "Most of use not only have our cities to protect but the League missions tend to have us spread ourselves too thin at times."

"We've either have had to ask for outside help like with Static not long ago and that got me thinking. We could use more members that we can call upon for help when other members are too busy with dealing with something else."

"Batman makes a point." J'onn the last of the Martian people said in his usual calm voice. "Often times we've only had two or three members have to deal with problems that could easily been handled by the entire League."

"Not to mention the problems we would run into if one or more of us fall." Batman said to them refereeing to when they believed Superman had been killed by Toyman.

"You really know how to bring out the sunny topics Bats." Flash said.

"But I'm right." He said not phased by Flash's comment. "We need to plan for the future."

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