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Donna woke up in her new room in New York. It had been over a week as she and her sister moved into the new Embassy. Her new room was a bit lavish and she wondered how this place was being built so quickly, then she had heard her sister talking to Batman and thanking him for his help. She smiled thinking this was his way of showing her that he cared by giving them a decent place to live. She heard that he claimed that he was just doing it to ensure their security and that of the League but she guessed that was just an excuse like how he came now and then to check up on the place.

She smiled at seeing how her sister tried to act normal and yet she could tell that she was trying to not only hide her feelings for him but also to get him to open up, although he did seem to talk to her the most out of everyone. He usually was the dark silent type but he really opened up, well as much as he does, with her sister.

But now she had her own personal love life to handle. Over the last week she had grown found of Peter and her friendship with Kara, she knew that Kara had to have feelings for Peter although it seemed she either didn't know it deep down or wanted to admit it. As for Peter…well who can figure out what goes on in a man's mind? She looked to see Diana at a table going over some papers, ever since she had accepted the role of ambassador she had to do a lot more work it seemed to get caught up and up to date, "How are you doing sis?"

Diana sighed and rubbed her temples, "By the gods if I had known about the paper work I think would have rethought all of this."

Donna walked up behind her and started to massage her shoulders, "Well it will all be worth it, you're working your way back home."

"I know, I know. It's the only thing that gets me through this."

Wonder Girl smirked as she had a thought that she was going to voice, "And you got me, your friends…and a certain man in black bat clothing at your side."

Diana turned her head a little sharply at her younger sister, "If you mean Batman then I guess so."

"Oh don't tell me he still hasn't made a move yet," Diana just turned her head back to the papers and sighed. She wished Bruce wasn't so emotionally withdrawn to those around him. She wanted to get closer but she also didn't want to push him away with it. It was strange how their relationship had changed from merely allies, to friends to…well she didn't know what they were now exactly.

Donna sighed and wondered if all women went through relationship problems like them or if the gods had cursed all Amazons with having bad relationships. Well she had a few thoughts on how to deal with her own problems that had been handled by Amazons before. Although those were out dated by today's standards they might have a few things that could still help her out.

"I'm sure it will work out sister," She said to the older sibling.

Diana sighed and nodded, "I hope so…I've never felt this way about anyone before and this is new territory for me."

Donna sighed and sat down next to her, "Yeah I know."

Now it was Diana's turn to smile, "Does this have anything to do with a certain hero in New York?"

Donna groaned into her hands, "I don't know what it is about him…he's nice and all and smart and in battle he's just so graceful."

Diana smiled looking at her and she thought it was kind of cute, "So you think he's not ready to date yet but want to." Diana knew all too well the pain and suffering that Peter had endured, she could still see in his eyes and seeing all that pain in the eyes of someone so young still broke her heart, more so after she had gotten to know Peter. He was such a nice person and to have all that done to him was just horrible.

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