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She was here in his arms. Mary Jane, the green eyed red head that held his heart. She was in a blue winter coat and he was holding her close. "Let's run away together...let's just ran off and get married." She pleaded with him.

He gently stroked her face with his hand as he looked into those eyes when she looked up at him. "Not yet." He said and held her close. Then Peter woke up.

Peter woke up to the smell of cooking food. He looked around at the unfamiliar place and remembered where he was. He looked around and saw from across the open spaced apartment. The memory of that night in his life was still fresh in his mind. He remembered that day, it was the day MJ had tried to run away from home and Peter had gone looking for her and had found her.

He would always remember that day. He knew she had meant what she told him, even though only fifteen she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, and Peter felt the same. He felt a stab of sadness in his heart then as he knew that would never happen now. She was was his dream of a life with her at his side as his wife. It had been three years ago and ever since that day he couldn't wait for the day they would be together.

But that's all it was now...a dream...a shattered dream at that.

He looked over at Clark making breakfast, at least that's what he figured he was doing since food kept being placed on the table but he was moving so fast he looked like a blur of motion. He got up and went over to the table and Clark had just finished. "Morning." He said cheerfully and Peter gave a slightly annoyed look. He never was much of a morning person himself. "Sleep well?"

Peter shrugged. "Alright." Considering he woke up once in the night and tried to get back to sleep. His nights weren't as bad as when he first was here.

"Anyways I remember how you liked to take photos and I figured you could get back into that if you like." Clark said as he went to a drawer and pulled out a camera and placed it on the table. Peter was both surprised and grateful for this.

"Oh man...thanks, I mean...are you sure I can have this?" Peter asked Clark. The older man just smiled and nodded.

"It's not a problem." Clark assured him. "Besides maybe you could find something to do at the Planet. I mean I'm sure Jimmy would like to have another person around that know about photography more his own age."

Clark looked at the time on the clock. "We better hurry, Lois will be here to pick us up and she hates being late." After breakfast and a quick shower and change Peter was ready just as Lois had arrived.

"Hey how was it with Clark's parents?" She asked them as they left the apartment and Clark locked up.

"It was pretty cool actually, never been to a farm before that." Peter said with a genuine smile.

"Tell me about it." Lois said laughing a little. "I was an army brat, so most of my childhood was spent at military bases. Plus the Kents are a nice couple, and I can see their influence in Clark too."

"How so?" Clark asked her but he already knew the answer to it, this was just for a little fun.

She gave him a sideways look and a small smile. "Well there is the whole boy scout thing you got going for you."

"I thought it was one of my more endearing qualities that you liked about me?"

"It's one of the qualities I love about you." Lois told him with a look of affection, and Clark returned that. Peter just grinned at the two of them, he could tell they had been together if not romantically then personally for years. Like they were best friends who became something more.

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