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It had been a few days since Flash had started to get Peter to open up and currently Peter was walking to the observation room. He had just finished tuning up the big spaceship thing in the main hanger bay, he forgot the name of it at the moment and before that he was learning about the teleportation units. He still couldn't get over that piece of equipment. He guessed Hinesburg wasn't completely right about teleportation not being possible after all.

He smiled at the thought, he always loved science and there was just so many cool things, especially since he was told a lot of it was either came from top secret research or alien technology. Although he was surprised when he learned that J'onn, Hawkgirl and even Superman were actually aliens.

He knew it sounded a little geeky but he thought that was just so cool. At first he thought they were mutants but apparently there weren't any mutants in this reality at least not ones with an x-gene. More like enhanced humans like him and a few other aliens as well. Plus the fact he learned that Diana was actually technically an immortal created on an island full of Amazon warrior women that didn't age was a bit of a surprise too, but not by much.

But then again the Ultimates had Thor, and actual god on their team so it wasn't so far fetched he guessed. He remembered the look of surprise on her face when he told her he had actually met Thor a few times and that he was the Asguard thunder god. Boy was she surprised at that.

As he got to the large window he leaned on the guardrail over looking the view of Earth. Even though it was pretty cool that he had been living on a space station he loved the view of Earth from here.

"Troubles?" Came the voice of J'onn from behind him making Peter jump.

"Geez man, I wish you and Batman would stop doing that." Peter said placing a hand over his heart.

J'onn smirked. "Sorry about that. You seem to like this view."

"Yeah." Peter nodded and went back to looking out the glass. "It kind of makes me feel like I'm not so alien to this place."

J'onn smirked at his choice of words. "I though I was the alien here?"

Peter let out a small laugh. "Yeah I meant in another fashion. I know that Earth wasn't your home but in a way it's not mine either." Peter noticed the look of slight confusion on the Martian's face and decided to explain. "You see that my be Earth but it's not MY Earth. If Mars was back to the way it used to be but everything that made it home to you was gone would it still be Mars to you?"

J'onn considered his words. They were surprisingly insightful for one so young. "I can see your point. I know what it's like to feel like you don't belong...and not having a home to go back to and having everything you love taken from's not an easy existence."

" isn't." Peter said sadly. It was strange in the time he had spent he felt more like he could relate to J'onn the most. They were both silent and didn't say much about their past because Peter figured it was just as tough for J'onn to talk about his past as it was for Peter to talk about his.

J'onn too felt like Peter understood him better then some of the other members could, in a way they had gone through much the same, and he was surprised how someone human could feel just as alien to Earth as he did. "You know, I once thought I would never be able to 'fit in' as they say to this world. That I would always feel like an outsider. But in the two years that I've been here I've found that if I let myself I could find a home on this world...and you can too."

Peter thought about it. If a Martian can feel like home on Earth then he guessed he could too, it would just take time. Peter turned to smile at him. "I hope you're right."

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