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Everyone gathered together in a meeting room to see what they found. Peter placed the photos on the desk. "Well I was able to get these, I'm not sure who a few of these people are though."

Flash took them and nodded. "Oh yeah that's Grodd, that looks like mostly his old Secret Society only with a few different members." He saw the look Peter was giving him. "Yeah I know lame name but they got a monkey as a leader so go figure." He shrugged at the end then went back. "Let's see…there's that Giganta babe. Killer Frost, man that girl gives me the creeps. There's The Shade, man you'd think he'd learn his lesson by now I mean honestly that guy has been in almost every super villain team and they all get beat."

"Get on with is Flash." Batman said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Flash got back to it. "Okay so the new guys seem to be Livewire, great that girl is just nuts. And finally that mercenary guy, what's his name? You know the one that tried to kill Aquaman."

"Deadshot." Batman told him. "He's a mercenary and trained to kill, remember how hard it was to capture him?"

"Oh yeah…man that guy is going to be fun." He said sarcastically.

"So what did you guys find out?" Diana asked Booster and Flash.

Booster decided to answer for them. "Well it seems that there have been a few other high end items. Skeets, what are the possible machines that could be made from that?" He asked his flying robot companion that he had. This was the thing that the robot was really made for, information. IT had a giant store of knowledge in its database and was suited for this task.

"I have calculated over fifty nine possibilities."

Booster's face fell. "You're kidding? Damn…this might be a little tougher then I thought."

"How about things that a super villain would want?" Batman suggested. "Try to focus on either something that could make lots of damage or control lots of people since that's his M.O."

Skeet took in all the information. "Six possibilities are left. One: Electronic Scrambler, Two: Power Sapping device, Three: Brain Wave Modifier, Four-"

"Wait, go back to number three." Batman interrupted. "That sounds more like Grodd's style."

"Yeah I remember that little helmet thing he made that gave him control over an entire city." Flash nodded. It was also when they defeated him they thought that the helmet had fried his brains yet it turned out he head been faking and escaped from his prison when the guard of those around him were down.

"I also found dirt traces in the facility, analysis shows that they are subterranean in origin so wherever Grodd is he's underground." Batman then thought of something. "Does he have all the equipment needed for that machine?"

"Negative." Skeet replied. "There is at least one more piece of equipment he needs."

"Let me guess." Booster turned to Batman. "We're going to stake out the last place and try to stop them there." Batman nodded. "Well since all the attacks happened at night I'm guessing I better go and get some sleep. I get the feelings it's going to be a long night."

-That Night-

Everyone was taking positions on a research lab in LA. This was a more public facility and had no ties to the military so the security wasn't so tight. They were in three teams in strategic places waiting for them to strike. "Man I hate waiting." Flash muttered tabbing his foot impatiently. He was with Booster and he was just as impatient.

Justice League: The SpiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora