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He wasn't aware of much at first then when Peter opened his eyes slightly he saw he was in some kind of metallic lined room. He was on a bed and then noticed he had been stripped of his costume, had bandages on him and an IV in his right arm. His hand went to his face to confirm that he was missing his mask.

"So you're finally awake." Peter looked to his left and there was tall dark and menacing again.

Peter sighed to himself. "So it wasn't a nightmare...great." He muttered. His body still hurt but the pain inside was killing him. The memories of last night at least by his accounts, he had no idea how long he'd been out, but that didn't matter to him. The only thing that mattered was he was in a place he had no clue as to what was going on and he had lost everything that mattered to him in life.

"Where am I? Cause I don't remember anyone telling me we had some kind of space station like this in orbit." Peter asked, although if there was he'd figured Fury and SHEILD had something to do with it.

Batman considered his options but he decided that telling him would be most likely the best course of action. "You're aboard the Watchtower. It's headquarters for the Justice League a group of heroes that defend Earth and even other worlds at times." He saw the confusion on Peter's face and decided to lay the bombshell on him, he knew it would be difficult but he deserved to know.

"I told J'onn, the big green guy, to use his telepathy to find out more about you Mr. Parker." He could see from the body language he didn't like that idea, and Batman could sympathies he didn't like the idea of someone going through his mind either but it had to be done. "We figured you somehow crossed over from your reality to ours, how we don't know but I'm looking into it."

Peter took all of what he said and thought about it. It kind of made sense, the station and how he had never heard of this Justice League or anything, but wasn't sure if that was a bad thing or a good thing. He didn't know what to think exactly or feel, at the moment he was too numb inside to really care. There was a long silence as Peter thought about it. Batman even though he wasn't the exactly the conversationalist of the group but he could use this to ask a few questions that he'd like to know about.

He went over to a table that had his costume and gear in it. He took one of the wrist devices that made his 'webbing'. He hadn't had time to give it a proper examination but the design intrigued him. "Tell me, you started out at fifteen correct?" Peter merely nodded. "Who gave you these?"

Peter felt a little angry that Batman had insinuated that he couldn't have done it himself. "No one. I made them myself. The formula was made by my father before he died but he didn't finish it so I did and created the web fluid and the web shooters for them."

Batman raised an eyebrow under his cowl. He wasn't one to be impressed easily but the fact that a fifteen year old had done all of that on his own was an accomplishment. He could tell by the design of the shooters that they were made by someone very skilled in science. He started making mental notes on him adding his known powers and his intelligence to the file forming in his mind. He also would have to copy the medical file they were starting on him.

He had to admit Parker had nearly as many scars as himself, which told him a few things. Either he faced some pretty nasty characters from his world or he was careless. But after evading the League and tying up Flash showed him he wasn't exactly careless and filed that away in his mind for further study.

However he didn't show any of this as he placed the 'web shooter' as Peter called it back on the table. When he was relieved he would take one to the lab for tests, he also made another mental note to give him an IQ test to see just how smart he really was.

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