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It had been a couple of weeks since his visit to Metropolis and Peter had to admit he was getting used to his new life. He was really getting along with Flash and he was also finding some pleasant quiet time with J'onn too. It was kind of cool hanging out with an alien and couldn't help but notice how wise and introspective the tall green man was. Speaking of aliens although he kept forgetting that she was, he also stayed in touch with Kara, it was nice having someone his own age to talk to when he needed. Peter went back down to Earth from time to time when not on the Watchtower whenever he needed to 'get out' as he called it. He was given a device so he could use the teleporter to call him up to the Watchtower when he needed to.

Mainly he was exploring some of the strange cities he had never heard of. Like East and West coast city. He visited Flash or Wally West as he was let in on his secret identity, in Keystone city. But so far he had avoided New York...he wasn't ready to go back there...not yet.

He helped out the League by working on the Watchtower and after the Metallo thing he had even gone on a few missions, but it was small time stuff. He got the feeling they were trying to see what he could really do out in the field and to be honest that was fine. He just wanted to ease himself back into this. He also was being 'trained' by Batman. Or more accurately getting his butt slammed onto the ground until it was bruised. Which was what Peter was doing at the moment in the training room in full Spider-Man gear as Batman flipped him onto his back...again.

Peter couldn't get it, he was supposed to be fast and was definitely stronger so why was this so hard? Okay so Batman fought better then anyone he'd ever met but they had been at this for over an hour and he only managed to 'tag' Batman almost a dozen times in hand to hand while Batman had nearly three times that amount.

Batman for the pat few weeks had been training Peter in the fine arts of hand-to-hand combat. He was impressed at how well he was doing, his reflexes and speed were already above average in fact even though he didn't show it he was trying his best. He found out early on that Peter's spider sense was the first thing he had to overcome. In the free for alls, Peter did a lot better since he wasn't limited to the ground like now.

He felt Peter should know a bit more on how to defend himself when he saw all those scars on his body. He hadn't said it but he didn't want to see this kid get anymore hurt then he had. In fact he saw a lot of potential in him, and to be honest if only to himself...he felt for him. Peter knew what it was like to lose your loved ones, to see it happen and feel totally powerless.

He had been watching Peter closely ever since he got there. At first it was to see if he was a threat but then it soon became apparent that he was trust worthy. He had been thinking of what to do about him also. He made a basic background for him in the system in the US with the driver's license but beyond that nothing much. He would need Peter's help to fill in a lot of the blanks and he had been thinking on something for awhile now too. J'onn had said he trust him, so did Clark and Flash with their identities.

Peter got himself off the mat and got ready. "Alright bring it bats, I'm ready for you this time."

"That will be enough for today Peter." He said. Peter sighed on the inside, okay sure he was learning some decent fighting skills but man this guy was tough. "I want your help with something."


Batman started walking to the door. "I need you to help me finish your personal information and put it into the system. Then you can start to live a life with a paper trail."

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