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Kara was walking the hallways of the Watchtower happily and with a huge smile on her face. She had just managed to graduate, well actually she did pretty well and it was thanks to Barbara and Peter's help with her studying that really did it. It had been a month after she and Peter had made up after that incident and looking back on it, it was funny as hell. She and Peter shared a good laugh at that and she was glad to have him back in her life.

She thought about hitting the gym and then the showers. The equipment here had been heavily modified for those like her with super human strength. She chanced into some gym shorts and T-shirt, she didn't bother with the treadmill, the last time she did that she broke it anyway and still didn't get a decent workout. She did some work with the larger equipment that could go up to a few hundred tons of pressure. She worked out for over an hour and after a quick shower changed beck into her uniform in the locker room.

"That was impressive." Kara turned to a dark haired girl about her own age that looked a lot like Wonder Woman.

"Thanks," She said smiling and tilted her head. "Hey are you Donna by chance? I've heard that Diana had a sister but haven't met her yet, wouldn't happen to be you would it?"

It was in fact Donna and she nodded. "Yes, I've been seeing a lot of this world with my sister but making new friends is a bit more tougher then I though." She sat down next to her. "In fact other then my sister and her friends I really only got to know this one other man."

"Oh really?" Kara said interested. "Friend or something more then that?"

"Well…that's the thing…he's a really nice man and I find I enjoy the time with him but I'm not sure how I really feel…I've never had a relationship with a man before and well…I'm not sure what to do, plus he's kind of getting over a great loss in his life."

Kara felt for the girl. That had to be hard not sure about how to take the first step. "Boy got a name?"

Donna thought about it. "I'm not sure if I should say his name…he's kind of a private person."

Kara smiled thinking of Peter. "Yeah I know someone like that too, plus he's got kind of a memory problem, I mean he got so lost the first time in Metropolis."

Donna laughed a bit and remembered a joke her sister told her about men in general. "Let me guess…he didn't stop and ask for directions?"

Now it was Kara's turn to laugh, thinking of Peter in his Spider-Man uniform asking people on the street for directions, the mental image alone was just priceless. "Oh I don't think so. I wish I knew why guys were like that."

Donna just shook her head. "Who knows what goes through the mind of a man?"

"Not much." Kara said with a smile and both girls laughed at that.

"All too true I fear at times, and I could name a few like that," Donna said after she stopped laughing.

Kara smiled at her. "Let me guess…Flash right?" Donna nodded sending the girls into another set of giggles. The two girls continued to talk on and Kara was liking this Donna girl, she was a bit different then her other friends and that was a good thing. Donna was just happy to meet another woman she could identify with.

-Kent Farm, a few days later-

Kara was walking back to the farm after visiting her friends in Smallville, even though she found the place boring she had to admit that she did have a few nice friends here, although she couldn't tell them about most of her life it was still nice to be a 'normal' girl now and then.

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