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She was chasing him, a man in a white lab suit, a scientist. He was scared and he ran but she knew that there was no escaping her. When he was cornered she stood over him, he begged and pleaded with her but she just grinned at him. Then her eyes took on a red glow and he looked wide eyed and terrified and he let out one last scream as she blasted him and he started to burn and she continued until there was nothing left but charged remains.

Kara shoot up in bed with a gasp and sweat coming down her forehead. It was the same dream she had been having for the past few days and it terrified her to no end. She looked at the clock and it said 1:52am. She pulled her knees to her chest; there was no way she was going to get some sleep now. She had to talk to someone, about this. She hadn't told anyone but this was getting too scary, she was getting terrified of going asleep and she had to talk to someone. 'But who? Jonothan and Martha are asleep, Babes would most likely be working late, Clark would talk her ear off and would worry constantly and get all worked up about this'. She did love the big guy but she hated how he treated her like a kid…there was only one other person but she wasn't sure if she should call him.

She looked at the phone beside her bed and bit her lower lip and she knew if anyone would be able to make her feel better and might understand he would. The picked up the phone and dialed his number, she also made a mental note to pay for this call, long distance calls were kind of expensive. She heard it ring and after a few she considered hanging up then she heard the phone pick up. "Hello? And if this is a solicitor you're going to die." Peter said sleepily.

He had just gotten to bed an hour ago and was wondering who was calling him at such an hour.

"I…I'm sorry, I'll call back later…" Kara said and started to put down the phone but stopped when she hear him call out her name.

"Kara?" Peter sat up in his bed with the cordless phone in his hand that he took from the next to him nightstand. "What's wrong?" He knew her well enough that she wouldn't call him just because she wanted too. Sure they talked on the phone, e-mailed and talked to each other on the Watchtower but a call in the middle of the night was never a good thing.

"I don't know…" She nearly whispered to him. "Peter…I…I've been having these dreams…I'm…I'm killing in them…"

Peter was silent for a moment and told her to tell him the dream in detail, after he heard that she had been having the same dream over and over again he could understand why she sounded so shaken up. "Kara listen to me." He said softly to her. "You're not a killer, I've met and fought people that were. You're not that kind of person, I don't know what's going on but if you want some help I'll be there for you. Also there has to be a reason for this…tell you what I'll be up on the Watchtower in two days, I got this thing I have to cover out of town but when I get back we'll figure this out…okay?"

Kara listened to him and felt better knowing he would help her, but she couldn't take this anymore and would have to ask a few others at the Tower to help her, maybe when he gets back he can still help but at least he was there for her. "Thanks Peter, you're…you're a good friend you know that?"

Peter smiled on the other end. "So are you. I'll talk to you in two days okay?"

Kara smiled a little she wanted to talk some more to help ease her mind but this was an expensive call. "Alright, see you later." She heard him say goodnight and she said the same. She put the phone down and tried to get back to sleep, normally it was hard but after hearing Peter's voice she felt a bit better.

-Two Days Later-

Kara was still in her Supergirl uniform sitting on a building in Metropolis. She was thinking about everything that had happened in the last two days. She had found help with Green Arrow and this guy named The Question after J'onn found nothing wrong with her telepathically. The Question was a strange one, he had a smooth face with no features but somehow the guy could see, hear and talk. Even without eyes, ears and a mouth. He also wore a blue trench coat and hat and with paranoia that made Batman look normal.

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