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It had taken awhile but Peter finally managed to find the apartment again. It wasn't easy, he had to find the Planet then it took a few tries to backtrack his way back to the apartment. When he got back in it was getting late, most likely after five.

"Exploring the city?" Clark asked him. Clark had heard him come in and gone to see him in his bedroom.

"Yeah...sorry about being late but I got turned around a few times out there." He said slightly embarrassed.

"Hey is that Peter?" Came a familiar voice. Kara poked her head inside the room. "Hi again." She walked in and looked him up and down in his suit. "Okay...I'll admit. The costume is kind of cool." She said grinning at it.

"Uh...thanks." Peter said a little perplexed to see her here.

"Hey I said I was stopping by Metropolis for the weekend, and Lois said I could crash at her place." Kara told him. "So you back in the hero business?" She asked him hopefully. He seemed like a nice guy to her and after their talk she was hoping he would go back to it. The world could always use more heroes.

"I think so." Peter told her taking off the mask.

"Well it was certainly an impressive display." Lois said also coming into the room. "You're just in time, we were going to eat soon so you better get ready."

"Alright." Peter said grabbing going into the living room to grab his normal clothes and changed in the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he came back out ready to eat, he hadn't been able to get back to the place in time for lunch and it's not like he could just go to a fast food place in his Spider-Man suit, even if he could it wasn't like he had any money on him as Spider-Man.

When he came out he smelled something good cooking and saw everyone gathering around the table. So he sat down across next to Kara as they ate. They asked him a few things like anything interesting he had come across.

"Well no super villains at least, just the regular crime you find." He admitted. "Although it is strange not having people frightened of me or the cops shooting at me."

"You mean the police in your world actually SHOT at you?" Kara said. She couldn't believe they would do that.

"Yeah I got the bullet wound scar to prove it." He said in a darker mood. "But I'm not sure which was worse, the people reactions or that movie they made about me."

"They made a movie about you?" Kara said surprised at that. "That must have been so cool!"

Peter shrugged. "Not really. One it wasn't about the real me for obvious reasons, secondly I didn't even get paid or anything. I mean they made a mutli-million dollar move about me and I didn't see a dime about it, I mean you know how expensive web fluid is? Plus when I went to the set they were filming me to save money and started to ask me all these questions and tried to pay me to take my mask off."

Clark shook his head. "I can't believe that, they actually did that?"

"Yeah by the director himself, Sam Raimi."

"Wait, the Evil Dead guy did your movie?" Kara asked him. She remembered watching those movies with Barbara one time. "Who played you?"

Peter winced at that one. "Tobey Maguire."

"The guy from Pleasantville and Seabiscuit?" Lois asked trying not to smile.

"Uh...yeah." Peter admitted. 'Great, now I'll never hear the end of this. I just hope this doesn't get back to the League.' He thought to himself. The rest of the night went pretty well and Clark had asked her if she had finished her homework before flying to Metropolis. The look on her face was kind of funny to Peter but he was sure he didn't laugh at her. She was 'mostly' done as she claimed and Peter offered to help her out if she wanted.

Justice League: The SpiderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin