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Peter groaned and felt his body slowly returning to him and boy did he ach all over.

Spidey come on wake up…

"Huh?" Peter started to come around and the first thing he focused on was the blond hair, it looked familiar to him, Gwen? No wait Gwen was dead…Kara? He looked and his eyes locked onto her sky blue ones and he blinked a few times. Then he tried to get up and was struggling so Supergirl helped him to his feet. He looked around and saw the trashed labs and then it all came flooding back to him.

"Hey you alright?"

Peter turned to Kara and nodded, "Yeah I've been worse. Where did they go?"

Kara shrugged, "Don't know, they fired on a chopper and I had to save it, they were long gone so I decided to check up on you. Who did this? I saw the purple sphere but I didn't get a decent look at who was inside it."

Peter tried to think back to his attackers, "Okay there was this cat lady with them, some type of female ninja, that sphere was done by Star Sapphire and then there was this other woman."

"An all female team huh? Great girl power gone bad, you know who that last one was?" She asked him looking over the damage, it looked like a major brawl had been here but then again she wasn't surprised by that, it was the kind of things that happened with superheroes but she was also worried about Peter. His costume was torn in a few places and he was a bit shaky on his feet and this was a guy she had seen do acrobatics in the air and land perfectly.

Peter remembered that blond, he let himself get distracted by her and boy did he pay for it, "Imagine a blond version of Wonder Woman only in white and gold and you pretty much got it here, you wouldn't happen to know her would you?"

Kara shook her head, it didn't sound familiar but then again if it had been someone before she joined and hadn't met or read about then it was most likely a new villain, "So…what did they take?"

"Don't know, I didn't get the chance to ask them," Peter said sarcastically then caught the glare Kara gave him, "Sorry but I just got my butt kicked and I'm not exactly Mr. Happy at the moment."

Peter said that in a softer tone and Kara's expression softened too and she nodded, "Well we might as well ask the people here what's missing," That didn't occur to Peter to just ask them, mainly because of how people treated him for years in his old world. It would be lot easier and it wasn't something he had ever tried before. When the police and the people in charge of the labs showed up Peter had to fight the urge to slip away.

He was still getting used to how he was treated in this world, years of being treated the way he had been kind of gives a guy a complex. He let Kara handle it though since she was more at ease then him. After the lab guys looked over the damaged equipment and Peter told the police everything he knew which was a bit more pleasant then he thought it would be like one of the head lab coats came back looking a bit pale. "So doc…what did the bimbo league take?" Kara asked him.

The man was a bit nervous and was ringing his hands. "Uh…well…that's a company secret."

"Oh come on!" Peter threw up his hands, which hurt a little, but he masked it well, "They took a couple of things and one of them had a bio-hazard symbol on it."

"What?" One of the detectives shouted out. "You were working on a biological hazard inside Manhattan!" The cop took the scientists by the lab coat, "So now some super villains have a virus or something? If you don't want to be responsible for the lives that will kill you better cooperate."

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