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After a few days things were going alone fine for Peter. Having Kara around was nice, he had someone to talk to all the time now and his new home didn't feel so empty and alone anymore. He had a lot of fun with her also and the fact of having someone with him in his life that new his identity was really nice. He didn't have to lie all the time and could just be himself. To be honest it felt great to have her there.

Plus they had spent one of those days, when he had that day off, and just spent it showing her around New York since she had done the same for him in Metropolis.

Currently they were both in and elevator with that god-awful music that should be outlawed but was in all elevators was playing. Kara was in jeans and a conservative shirt on but also had on fake glasses and had her hair in a ponytail. He had asked her when he saw her why the look and she explained that she couldn't just walk around without changing her looks.

He then asked why not the brown wig and she had made this kind of cute cringe and had said she hated that thing, because it always itched. She said that with the different clothing, hair and glasses no one would notice. Especially how in her uniform people (mainly man and a few women) didn't exactly look at her face. Peter kind of blushed at bit at that, he had to admit the tight T-shirt and skirt did bring the eye from the face. He also had to admit that looking at her now in the elevator she did look different.

She had asked him to see if he could get her a job at the paper, since she did work at the Planet she hoped she could get a job there, plus having a person working there would help too in her favor with getting her foot in the door. They got off at the right floor and walked into the large, open and always busy office floor.

Peter led Kara though the others working there, waving to a few of them that he knew. Then came to the desk where Betty was working she looked over at Peter and smiled seeing him with the cute blond girl and tried to hide a smirk on her face. "Hey Pete, who's your girlfriend?" She smiled then seeing a blush form on both young adults.

"S-s-she's not my girlfriend…she's just a really close friend…who just happens to be a girl…will you stop smiling like that." Peter gave a small glare at her and it just caused her to laugh, she though he looked too cute being embarrassed and looking at her like that at the same time. "Look I just need to see JJ and ask him if Kara here can have a job here."

Betty sobered up a bit and looked at her. "You got any experience?"

Kara smiled at her. "Yeah I worked at the Daily Planet now and then when I was visiting my cousin Clark."

Betty nodded her head and used the intercom to see if the boss was free and then led them in. Kara had to admit Peter describe this JJ on the money. Nice clothing and the white hair in a ponytail and beard gave him a yuppie businessman look but had a calm demeanor. "So you're looking for a job huh? You got any references, other then Peter here?"

"Yeah, call Perry White the Editor of the Daily Planet or you can call my cousin Clark Cent or Lois Lane." Kara tried to keep up the innocent girl act and tone down on her confidence but it was hard seeing the look on his face at those names.

He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes for a bit. "You really know those people?" He asked her and he had to admit he knew Perry from University since they were both taking a journalism course and had met now and then. Although to be fair it had been awhile since they last met. And of course anyone who considered themselves a serious person in the field of news, knew certain names and Lois and Clark were a well-known team and as individuals, although the fact she was related to one of them didn't impress him, anyone could know someone and it was the opinions of those people that would matter.

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