Chapter 4

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- Aaaaarrghhh, there you are, finally - Paolo says almost yelling at me as he sees me walking through the door towards him.
- It's half past six, Paolo. What do you mean "finally"? I always come at seven and start at half past sev...
- Yes, yes, I know, Belissima Emma, but today is such a shitty day - he interrupts me and gives me two quick kisses on each cheek.
- I kind of felt it already, you texted me like a hundred times today. What's going on?
- We have a special event tonight...

Oh, no, God, please... no more events. I think I wanna sail to a deserted island for the rest of my life.

- There's the Rosselini and Shmidt revue tonight ...
Oh, God, he knows and he won't let me go...
- And after the revue they're coming here.
- WHAT ???
- That's not the problem.
- And what is?
- You have to be a waitress for just the half of the evening and a bartender for the rest.
- Wait... what?? - Yeah, something's really wrong.
- Yes, please, no more questions. Go get changed and get back here cuz shit is about to get real.
- Why do you need me as a bartender ? Paolo!! - I shout at him because he's walking away.
- Jessica is giving birth and Rhodes must be there with her. You know, it's his firstborn child - his answer strucks me as a lightning.

I completely have forgotten that Bobby Rhodes, our bartender, and Jessica Bale - a waitress like me, were expecting a baby. No wonder why I see Bobby now leaving the restaurant like Ussaine Bolt.

- Go get changed, Emma ! - Paolo yells at me as he enters the kitchen. Every weekend when I'm at the restaurant he is the most important perso  there. Besides he's the owner, every weekend Paolo turns into the head chef.
- Okay, okay...
I dial Danny's number as I walk to the changing room.
- Sorry, cheesecake. Can't make it to the revue tonight. Baby emergency at the restaurant.
- It's okay, I'll still see ya tonight.
- Yeah I heard. - I can physically feel his wide smile at the other side of the phone line. - When are you com...
- Talk to you later. He's coming - and he hangs up.
Can't believe he just hang up on me because of Michael Sheridan!

For the next half of hour all I know I'm doing is runnig all over the restaurant and setting the tables ready with some of the other waiters.
- Hey, Jim - I turn to one of the senior bartenders. - I need...
- Don't worry, girl. I'll be right there if you need me - he just winks at me and puts we wine glasses at the table in front of us.
I assume he already know that I'll join him behind the bar sometime later tonight. And he's ready to help me, because I swear I know absolutely nothing about pouring drinks, mixing cocktails.. I don't even know how to open a goddamn beer...
- Thank you - I whisper with a shy smile and he puts his fist towards me. I do the same with mine - I've seen him and Bobby doing this bro-fist-thing before.
- Could you put these on the tables in the end, please ? - That's Paolo's voice coming from behind me. He puts three "VIP RESERVE" metal badges in my hands and walks away again without saying anything else.

I assume the tables must be reserved for the special guests tonight so I walk quickly there and put them on the covers. I stay there for a minute and I stare at the other stuff on the tables. I count ... Three tables for only ten people. I see some nametag in front of each seat. My curiosity leans me forward as I read the names - Michael Sheridan, Danniel Williams, Lorieta Rossellini, Kevin Schmidt... on the next table I see the name of Simon Williams and.... that my mother's name??
I cover my mouth with my palm to stop myself from screaming!

All these people I'm to see tonight... And my mom hasn't even called me to say she and Simon were coming...

I don't know how long I have stayed next to the tables for but the next I see is Jim's face right in front of mine.
- Yoooo... Earth to Emma! - he flicks with his fingers and I see him smiling at me.
- Sorry ... I must've thought about something for quite a long time...
- Or someone ? - he winks and smiles even wider.
- Yes. My crazy mother.
- oh, didn't see that coming. Okay, ready to dive in the ocean?
- What???
- I mean are you ready to start the  hard work for tonight?
- I guess...
Someone interrupts me and that happens to be Paolo.
- K, forget what I said before about being half waitress half bartender...
- Yay thanks.
- I'm not done - Paolo rises up hif index finger. - You're bartender for the whole evening.
- They're coming - Jim whispers and I follow his look through the window. I see some people getting out of some cars and laughing loud. I  instinctively look at my wristwatch - has the revue already ended???
- Come, quick... - Jim grabs my hand and pulls me with him towards the bar just in time when the front door opens...

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now