Chapter 19

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We rehearse some of the lines for about an hour and I realize that Michael is being really patient with me because he knows that I have no acting experience. Or at least I guess he does. He helps me with the right pronunciation of some particular words which I find kinda really funny because he has a weird welsh accent. He also advises me how act out with my body in general - what facial expressions I should have when I say different lines, some hands waving in different situations, how my voice should sound and other stuff like that. Michael seems to be a really good teacher, though. And in the end, he happens to be quite delighted with my efforts and results.

- Okay, let's practice now something a bit funnier... How about... - he tries to suggest something but I interrupt him:

- I'm not kissing you!

- First of all - that's NOT what I meant. Second of all - you will have to do it anyway on set and I don't have any problems with it, I don't see what are yours - and third of all - I was talking about holstering and unholstering a gun.

- Oh... - that I did not see coming but I think it should be fun, though. - Okay, teach me how to do it.

- Well ... we don't have any guns here... - Michael says laughing and looks around the room. He finds a knife. - We can do the holstering and unholstering thing later, may be we can do some tricks with a knife.

- Michael, that's a real knife, you know? - I say as I raise my browse, looking at the sharp surface of the knife.

- Yea, I know. I've worked with real knives before. I know how to keep myself  or other people safe. And I'm not going to teach you how to stab people...

- Then what? - This isn't fun at all anymore.

- Just.. just step back and watch me - he smiles and shows me some moves with the knife in his hand. He's really good, though... not that I know much about stabbing and using a knife outside of the kitchen, but still. - You want to try now? - he asks and hands me the knife with its handle towards me.

- Okay... - I say as I take the knife., - What should I do now?

- Try to copy my moves - he says and takes some steps back.

I do as he says and a few seconds later he tells me to stop.

- Okay, okay... you can hurt yourself like this. Put the knife on the table for now and let's just practice again, without actually using the knife - Michael suggests.

- What? Just... randomly waving my hand?

- Yep.

- That's weird, you know.

- Do it, please. Come one.

I start doing it again and he stops me. Again. He comes closer to me and stands behind my back. His hand slides down my whole arm and I can feel his breath tickling the back of my hair.

- Okay... just relax your hand... whoa, not that much... and not that tight, either - he laughs softly. - Relax, Emma. You don't have a knife in your hand now.

"How can I relax when you're that close to me, you idiot? You, standing behind my back, so tall and handsome, breathing in my neck and slipping your fingers down my arm", I think to myself. Thank God I don't have a knife, indeed. Otherwise I'd probably hurt someone by accident.

- Okay, that's better - he finally says and turns me around. I look directly at his eyes - so beautiful, hazel brown and sparkling. - What...? - he asks as I realize that I've been staring at him for a minute without blinking.

- Nothing... - I say as I turn around to find my jacket. I need to get out of the room right now or I'll do something that I'll regret about it.

- Nice t-shirt, by the way - he smiles pointing at my "Charlie" t-shirt.

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now