Chapter 14

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  The main hall is full of people but I can distinctly see Michael Sheridan taking photos with fans and giving autographs away. He's so kind and outgoing with them, even with the reporters. I don't understand how a person could be kind, polite, rude and arrogant at the same time. He's such a hypocrite.

All I have to do during the premiere is welcoming the guests. In the end I just have to give everyone a copy of Michael's book. I think he still hasn't spotted me.

- Hello, Emma. Are you ready? - My ex-boss, Joanna, says to me as she closes the door. 

- Ready for what?

- What do you mean "ready for what"? Didn't you get my e-mail?

- No...? What e-mail, Joanna?

- The one I sent you last night saying that you must introduce our special guest and present...

- ME? I thought he'd do this himself?

- Don't be ridiculous, Emma - she laughs and tells me to follow her.

I walk behind her as she stops next to Michael whispering something in his ear. He nods, smiles and then he turns to me.

- Hello, Emma. I didn't know you would be here.

- Yea, neither did I...

- You look fantastic! - he compliments my look and takes one of my hands. Then, he kisses it gently and I feel goosebumps rise in my arm. His lips are so soft and...

- Emr... thanks. You look good, too.

- Just "good"? - he asks and laughs.

- Okay, you look great - I correct myself and pull my hand back.

Joanna shows me where I should go and Michael follows me.

- Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming today to this special occasion. I am verry happy and proud to introduce Mr Michael Sheridan. - I improvise with my speech and Joanna seems deligthed with it. So far, so good. Michael takes a step forward and bows to the audience. - I believe I'm speaking on behalf of the whole British Library. Mr Michael Sheridan has only one hour to present his book - I say as I read the note that Joanna just slipped in my hands - and answer some questions.... and to take some more photos with fans. - I think I sound like I am  his agent or something.  I take a step backwards as Sheridan takes one forward and stands behind the microphone.

To be honest, I don't pay much attention his words. I don't really care about what he is saying or what questions he gets. I spot Danny's grinning face in the front seats. Is there something going on between my best friend and this jerk Sheridan... or it's all just in my imagination? I hope it's just in my imagination because I don't wanna see him coming over and Danny is just that type of guy - he prefers staying at home with his boyfriends to going out. The last thing I need right night is Sheridan's smirky face all over my apartment...

I have to admit, though, Sheridan looks pretty damn handsome today. With his black suit, white shirt and navy-blue tie, with his perfect hair, light-brown eyes and perfect white teeth. I can't hear his exact words , because I'm still thinking about Jim, but Michael's hoarse and deep voice, sounding so sexy and irresistible, makes me imagine  what I'd  do to him... if he wasn't gay.

At the end of the premiere, I give away free signed copies of the book to everyone who wants one.

- Hey, beauty - I hear Michael's voice in my ear.

- What...? And you are...

- The beast? - he laughs.

- Yea, right.... Beauty and The beast...

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