Chapter 11

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I didn't have any dreams last night. I slept so deep that I woke up at 9 o'clock in the morning. That has never happened before.
The smell of fresh coffee makes my mouth water and a slight smile appears on my face. Oh, Danny boy, I think to myself, what would I do without you!
Danny almost never makes coffee for neither of us. He likes it better if someone else makes it for him. But in the rare occasions he does it - it's due to some really important reasons.

- Morning - his cheerful smile is all I need right now.
- Hey there - I smile back at him and yawn.
- Here's your coffee.
- Okay, what do you want to talk about? I'm listening - I think I'm ready to have this conversation.
- What's the deal with Jim and you? - Oh, that I did not expect to be his first question. I'm a hundred percent sure he knows who my gift is from but still he is more interested in the ordinary person than  the famous one.
- There is no deal between us.
- And that kiss last night was what... a mistake? He bumped you in the head with his lips?

I can't help it and laugh.
- He kissed me on the cheek... that's all.
- On the cheek?? What is he - gay or what?
- Danny, please...
- I'm gay and I kiss you on the cheek. What the hell is wrong with him.
- Well you interrupted us, you know...
- I didn't mean to, you know?
We take a moment of silence. Danny's eyes don't blink as he stares at me.
- Emma... do you even like him?
- I do...
- ... but not in the way he likes you - Danny finishes the hard part of the sentence instead of me. - I know that feeling. Jim is a really good guy you know, try not to hurt him.

I sigh and take a sip of my coffee.
- I don't wanna hurt him.
- Then talk to him!
- It's not that easy, Danny.
- It's not that hard either. What about the gift and the flower? - I don't like his smirk now. It has a hidden meaning that I don't understand.
- I'm really confused.
- Because...?
- He was such a jerk last night and now he apologizes... with a swan made of glass and a rose? Who does that?
- Michael Sheridan - Danny burst into laughter.
- Yea but...who apologizes like that? He could've just said it straight to my face...or at lease phoned...
- He doesn't do stuff like that.
- Because he's a jerk.
- Are you going to the meeting this evening that Walters invited you to?
- I guess I am. It sounds interesting... to be a member of Charlie's cast, you know...
- And at least he didn't act like a total d*ck - Danny says and winks at me.

We spend almost the whole day together. We take our bikes out for a ride, then we have lunch at a new Chinese restaurant right behind our building. Back at our apartment, we play some Monopolly, which I see I really suck at because Danny managed to lead me to bankrupt for..what.... just fifteen minutes?

- Let's get you ready for the meeting - Danny says and puts the board game away.
I have nothing left to do but let him command me. First I take a shower and wash my hair - just like he told to do. Then he gets tbe dryer and for almost two hours he doesnt even let me drink water. When he's done drying and styling my hair, he finally lets me go to the bathroom.
- Okay, make up time... - He says and clap his hands. Oh, I really hate putting make up on my face but I can't say no to Danny.
Half an hour later he is ready and leads me to the mirror so I can see his absolute masterpiece. Yes, I find myself extraordinary beautiful because nothing, he's done to me, is too much. Everything is applied so precise that I can't hold my scream.

- What, what???? - Danny asks.
- You are THE GREATEST! - I grin and hug him from behind.
- I know - He laughs and drags me to my bedroom where he opens my wardrobe and takes a dress out of it. - I think this would do just great - He says mostly to himself.

He chooses one of my favourite dresses - white, sleeveless, with elegant length just above the knees and simple but beautiful floral print around the edges and the waist.
- Yey - is all I can say as I push him out of my bedroom so I can change.
- That's ridiculous, I don't mind seeing you naked and you know I'm gay?
- But you're still a MAN! - I laugh and push him harder.

Two minutes later I walk out of my bedroom and I notice my high heels next to my door.
- Lipstick time! - Danny yells as he gives me a bright red lipstick that perfectly matches my high heels and the floral print of my dress. - Wow.... no wonder why Jim likes you that much...
- Let's not talk about him now, can we? - I say feeling some sorrow that I can't...whatever. I push all thoughts about Jim out of my head and I'm ready to go.

I'm twenty minutes earlier at the building. A nice and good looking girl welcomes me with a cute girly smile and offers me coffee or tea while I'm waiting in the small  conference hall where the meeting is supposed to be.

There's a small rectangular table in the middle with six chairs around it. I'm the first to choose a seat.
I don't have much time on my own because ten minutes later the door opens and four people walk in. I recognize only mr Scott Walters. There are two women and a man with him.

- Hello, Emma. So nice to see you again. These people are my crew - He first shakes my hand and then introduces the people with him: - John Meyers, the director, Sally Granger is one of the script writers and Layla Simpson is in charge of the cast and the auditions.
- I'm Emma Gatti, it's nice to meet all of you - I shake hand with everyone and we take our seats.
- Who's missing? - Layla asks with anger in her voice.
- Sorry, fellas - a familiar voice interrupts out small talks. Michael Sheridan walks in the hall and joins us around the table. He sits right opposite me.

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora