Chapter 5

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I don't know why but I feel really nervous tonight. It's not my first time at the restaurant, I've been working here for almost seven months and yet I'm feeling like a total newbie. Maybe it's just because I'm not waiteressing tonight? Or it's because of my mom... she's never come here as a customer. Actually, she's never been here before.
- Something's really stuck on your mind tonight, huh? - Jim tries to comfort me with his smile and kinda tender voice. I think he might have a crush on me but... no, that's ridiculous. He's like...what..35 years old?
- That's my mom over there - I say to him as I point discretely at the group of people entering the room.
- Which one?
- Over there, the one with the silver sleeveless dress..
- That's your mom? - his eyes widen.
- Yea, why?
- How could she be your mom? She looks like your age...
- Well...she's like 44.
- And you are...? - I'm almost sure he has a crush on me.
- That's not polite to ask, you know.
- Sorry. - He laughs and rises his eyebrows with apologize.
- I'm 25.

And now we have to stop talking because one of the waitresses is coming towards the bar.
- Two bottles of the finest red wine we have and one 12-year old Johnie Walker. - She's talking to Jim and she's acting like he's alone behind the bar.
- Yea, sure. You want me to get them to the table?
- No, I'll do it by myself. - She says obviously not in a good mood.
- Okay whatever you say. - Jim's voice sounds like he just had said "you'll never see me naked". I can't help it and laugh behind my palm.
- Something funny? - She says to me. Being rude to me she just doesn't know how rude can I get.
- Yes. You.
- Girls, not now, please. Not here - Jim tries to calm us down.
She gets the bottles and walks away without saying aanything else and giving me just a furious look.

A couple of minutes later a familiar voice makes me smile like an idiot again.
- How you doin my pumpkin? - Danny's perfect smile meets mine and he walks behind the bar giving me a slight kiss on the forehead. Eventhough he's younger than me, he's quite taller.
- What are you doing back here? Aren't you supposed to be at the VIP table? - I joke and his smile gets even wider.
- And you? Aren't you supposed to be waiteressing? Watcha doing here?
- Doing a favor to a friend.
- ..?
- The baby emergency I told you about?... Bobby's at the hospital now...
- Oh, I see. That's always good news.
- And you? How you doin on the table?
- Come and see for yourself.
- No, thank you - I laugh nervously. I feel how Jim's looking at my back.
- Why? Your mom's there...
- That's why.
- You can't hide forever, you know?
- I'm not...
- Okay, see ya around. - He kisses me on the cheek and flies away hopping. That's weird. He almost never kisses me. And now he has done it twice...
I look at his back and just can't stop my smile. At the same time I see a pretty handsome face smiling back at me...

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now