Chapter 7

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- What did you just do? - Jim asks me as I walk behind the bar.

- Nothing. Why?

- Did you cjust hiss at Michael Sheridan?

- Erm... no, I did not...

- Good evening, fella - that voice, again. I raise my eyebrows and my eyes meet Michael's. Just for a second. - Can I talk to the manager, please? - he asks Jim.

- I guess.. - Jim looks confused and looks for my eyes but I am still looking at Sheridan. I can see his nasty smirk and I'm sure he's up to something. Not good, definitely not good.

Jim walks away to see where Paolo is leaving me alone with Sheridan. I'm forced to look away, otherwise his light brown eyes are going to kill me, I swear. He takes a comfortable seat at the stool opposite me and keeps staring directly at me. That goes on for one or two minutes, I don't know, all I'm doing is just washing some glasses.

- So, you wanna apologize before you get fired? - he says to me, with his elbow again at the edge of the bar and his fingers rubbing his lips and jawline.

- No, I don't - is all I can say right now because I can feel my blood running throught my veins. 

- That's a shame. I wouldn't risk my job if I were you.

- But you're not me.

- You are so stubborn.

- And you're rude.

- No, I'm not.

- Oh, yes, you are - I say as I finish with the washing. We both look away just on time to see Jim and Paolo coming to us.

- Good evening, Mr Sheridan. I hope you are having a good time at my restaurant. - Paolo is so sweet, as always. Or maybe it's just because he has a crush on Michael? I put all my efforts to stop myself from giggling at this thought.

- Yes... I am - Sheridan says which I did not expect coming out of him.

- You wanted to talk to me.

- Something like that, yes... - Michael says slowly and turn to me: - Can I have a beer?

- And the magic word?

- Paolo? - Sheridan calls my boss.

- Emma, please. Don't get my dear guest upset.

- Yes, Emma, please. Be a good girl and give me a beer. I'm generous with the tips.

"I don't need your tips, you, idiot!" - I think to myself but still I grab a beer and open it for him. That makes him grin. If I didn't know that he's totally making fun of me, I'd probably make him a compliment about his smile.

- Thank you, Emma.

- So, you know some magic words - I say and feel how Jim kicks me slightly under the bar.

- Jim, is it? - Michael pretends he didn't hear me. - Could you please go to my table and see if everything's OK? And take your time. - There's nothing else for Jim but to do as Michael says. - So, now it's just the two of us, Emma.

- So what?

- Do you even know who am I ? - I feel how he's getting annoyed. I see, he just got rid of Jim to have an argument with me. Well, guess what, mister... just try me.

- Do I look like I care?

- Well, you should. I can get you fired.

- No, you can't.

- You wanna bet?

- There's nothing you can possibly offer to me, so - no.

He takes a sip of his beer and then licks his lips. What the hell is he trying to do? Why is he even talking to me? I'm just a waitress and a librarian... oh, f*ck... I've almost forgotten about the premiere of his book in the library... Dammit! I was sure I wanted to go there before and I already invited Danny to join me... How can I cancel it now... I'd break his heart....

- Yeah, whatever. You're such a spoilt kid - he says and leaves his beer on the bar and slowly walks away to his table.

That's it! I just can't stand him anymore! I follow him to the table and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around. As I can tell by the look on his face - he didn't expect me to follow him.

- What? - he snaps.

- Who do you think you are? - I hiss at him and I feel the blood rushing through my body.

- Who do you think you are? - he says as he points at me with his index finger.

- I'm a human being and you have no right to talk to me like that!

- Like what?

- Like you're something more than the others! Who lied to you that being rude is something cool?

- Just... stop talking and go back behind the bar, don't make scenes, okay?

- Emma... - that was my mom's voice but I can't deal with her right now and I just raise my hand to her like giving her the sign to remain quiet.

- Emma! - and now that is Simon. I repeat my gesture. I feel everyone is looking at me and Sheridan but I don't give a damn about anyone. I spot someone's shadow next to me and it turns out to be Danny.

- Can we.. go outside for a moment? - he grabs my hand and tries to push me away but I don't move as I'm still looking at Sheridan.

- No. Not now.

- Listen to him and walk away, Emma - Michael says with his mocking voice again. His eyes are blazing against mine. - It's the best you can do...

I don't know how it happened. All I know is that my hand hurts like hell now because I just slapped Michael Sheridan. The next thing I see is him touching his cheek and streching his jaw. Danny takes my hand and forces me to follow him. I feel someone elses hands pushing me and it turns out to be Jim.

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now