Chapter 23

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As soon as we check in the hotel, I realise that we don't have much free time. May be just to change our clothes and ... yes, that's all.
All of us, the cast, go in the lobby waiting for John Meyers and Scott.

- Okay, meet you around the swimming pool in half an hour - He says. - Emma, please go change in clothes suitable for swimming, please.
- What? - I try to ask but there's no time for this.
I go back to my room and change in blue top with yellow bikini. Then I go back downstairs.
- Why am I the only one dressed like this? - I ask as I see no one else is ready "for a swim".
- Undercover, remember? - Michael whispers in my ear.

Oh, yeah.... that was part of the script, of course. Jane Fox has to be undercover around the pool. She has to pretend she's a waitress... or something.

Ten minutes later we start shooting the pool scenes.
There are two men who I don't know but they turn out to be some famous Italian actors. There also are some girls and boys around the pool, they're extras.

- You shouldn't have killed his entire family - says one of the Italian guys in pure Italian.
- What was I supposed to do - let him get away with it..?
- He's already dead! You killed him with your bare hands....
- Be quiet, Luigi. That's not the right place to talk shit like that.

In the next scene I have to excuse myself and one of the guys and take him in the hotel lobby. The murderer one. Then we have to start making out and that is all set up. Then Michael, as Charlie, and his team come and arrest him for confessing of the murder of the Italian deputy prime minister.
We're shooting the sixth episode already, I think, and that case is being mentioned in every episode that we have shot so far.

We shoot for a couple of more hours in the afternoon. It's time for coffee break.
- Here you are - Michael says as he hands me a cup of coffee.
- No, thanks. I already had one - I say and walk away.
- Wait! - He yells and grabs me by the elbow.
- Get lost, Sheridan.
- Cut the bullshit, Emma. Let's talk...
- I've got nothing to tell you!
- Why are you acting like this? We have a scene to shoot together in less than twenty minutes!
- That has nothing to do with... the rest...
- What is "that" and what is "the rest" ?

But Scott interrupts us.
- Okay, guys. Your turn now. You know what exactly you have to do, right?
- Sure we do - I hiss and wrap a towel around my waist.

We go back on set and all the cameras are pointing at us.
- And.... ACTION!

- Good job, Jane.
- What can I say...
- Thank you?
- For what?
- For saving your ass?
- Don't talk about my ass.

After we shoot this one, there's a minute break and we shoot the other one. There are no lines in it. Just me and Michael, as Charlie and Jane.
We have to stand really close to each other, looking at each other's eyes, smiling... His hands are on my waist as mine are on his chest... our faces are really close to each other's and...

- CUT! - John Meyers shouts. - Excellent, guys. Okay. That's all for today. It's ... half past five... go to your rooms or wherever you wanna go. You have exactly two hours before the official dinner. I need you at exactly 7.30 p.m. in the restaurant. We have an event and all of us must take part in it. Now get out of my way...

Back in my room (our, okay our room), I enter the bathroom before Michael even reaches it.
- I'm first to have a shower so back off!
- Whatever....

I run the cold water all over my body as I close my eyes. I try not to think about Michael and the last scene we shot together but I just can't help it. His face keeps haunting my mind and I feel my own hands as they are his, slipping all over my body... I don't know why but I feel so turned on right now, especially when I know he's right across the hall...

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now