Chapter 16

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I can't think straight. I can't even talk. I can't feel my tongue and my mouth feels so dry right now. Jim can't tell me anything else about Danny's condition because he already said everything my mom told him over the phone. I feel like I'm about to go completely crazy. My hands are shaking as hell. Jim takes my left hand as he keeps driving to the hospital.

- Don't worry. Everything's going to be alright... - Jim says trying to comfort me with rubbing my palm.
- How do you know? - I say in a really thin and weak voice. I know  it's just a matter of time before I start crying.
- I don't. But I believe it. You have to believe, too.
His voice is not enough to convince me, though.

As soon as he parks his car in the parking lot, I push my door open and storm out heading to the hospital.
- Hey, Miss... Heeeey - a nurse is yealling at me as I run down the entrance hall. - This is a hospital. What do you think you are doing, young lady ?
- Daniel Williams. Which room? - I say loudly, almost crying.
- I am not allowed to give such kind of information...
- It's fine, she's with me - I hear a familiar voice and an arm wraps around my shoulders.
Michael Sheridan is standing next to me.
- Okay... room 347, on the third floor but I must warn you that you cannot visit the patient right now. I'm afraid you will have to wait until Doctor Collins gives you the permission to enter the room... - says the nurse, obviously influenced by Michael's presence.
- That's fine, she will wait - Michael assures the nurse.
- Emma... - Jim follows us down the hall. - I think you should first talk to your mom before...
- Excuse me, fella, but you don't have to worry about Emma's intentions... - Michael interrupts Jim.
- And who are you supposed to be? - Jim is getting a bit nervous.
- You don't know who I am? - Michael's eyes don't blink.
- I don't really care, though.
- Who are you, anyway?
- Emma's boyfriend.
- Okay, stop it, you two! Stop it right now, for f*ck sake! - I hear myself yelling at both of them. My whole body is shaking. I start walking faster leaving Jim and Michael behind my back. I can't deal with them right now... and I don't want to.

I see my mom sitting on the couch in front of Danny's room.
- Mom... - I call her as I kneel down to her knees.
- Emma... Thank God you are here. Where's Jim?
- Somewhere downstairs. What happened, mom? - I can't hold my tears anymore.
- I don't know, baby... I don't know... A car hit him an hour ago when he was crossing the street. He was shopping. A bag full of groceries was found next to him... - she starts crying, too. I know how much she loves Danny. She loves him as he's a child of her own. Like a brother I've never had. My dad loves him, too. - Danny called Simon a minute before he passed out.
- Is Simon here?
- He was. Now he's with some police officers and detectives down at the police station. He said the detectives might wanna talk to you as well.
- But why?
- Because you're Danny's best friend and you know him best... I don't know... Simon couldn't tell me more over the phone.
- Okay... when can I see Danny? - I say as I wipe some tears off my eyes.
- You can walk in right now, Emma - a man says somewhere behind me. I stand up and see a doctor holding a folder in his hands. - Dr. Samuel Collins. - He shakes my hand and opens the door for me. - Sorry, Mrs Gatti, you'll have to wait here. I'd like to have a few words with your daughter in private,  if you don't mind.
My mom nods and sits back on the couch.

- I'm just going to tell you the most important facts about his condition because there are other people who want to talk to you later - Dr Collin says as he puts his glasses on and opens the folder in his hands.
- What... other people? - I ask and I touch Danny's left hand.
- Detectives. But I arranged you some time in private here before they come.
- Thank you, sir. Tell me... please. Is he going to be okay? - Tears are making my eyes wet and for a moment I can see Dr Collins in a blur.
- Too soon to tell you. I don't wanna lie to you. Your mom told me a few things about the two of you and I prefer telling you the whole thruth to lying to you. - He takes a deep breath and continues: - He's been hit really hard. He has some broken ribs, his left shoulder has also been broken and the worst injury is a traumatic brain one.
- What...? - I can't believe my ears.
- He is in a coma right now. I don't know when will he wake up. It's too soon to tell. Some more tests are needed to be done but his condition is critical... If he wakes up there is a possibility that he might not be able to walk or even talk anymore...
- IF he wakes up??? Are you telling me that...he might not....
- Yes. There's a possibility that he might not make it.
Dr Collins hesitates for a moment but still gives me a comforting hug as he adds:
- I promise - me and my team will do our best to make sure he's okay. You have my word.
I start crying with my forehead agains his shoulder. The door opens and Jim enters the room.
- 5 minutes for you, sir - Dr Collins tells Jim, making his way out of the room.

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now