Chapter 6

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That was weird. I just look away for a second, then turn my eyes at Danny's table again and the smile is gone. Now, instead of a handsome smile, he's frowning at me. And no, that's not Danny this time. Michael Sheridan's eyes are looking right into mine and he is frowning at me, with his elbow on the edge of the table and his fingers gently rubbing his jawline. I saw the smile, I swear. But how could this be... he wasn't smilin at me... was he? Nope. I shake my head for a second. I see Sheridan now talking to my stepfather and no more staring angrily at me. Yes, his look was full of anger or at least I thought so...

- Sup, girl? You look like you saw a ghost. Is everything OK with you? - Jim is trying to be nice with me but I feel like I'm already annoyed by him.

- Do I?

- Yep... be careful with that... you might cut your finger - he takes the lemon I'm holding out of my hands and squeezes it directly in a white cup.

- I told Paolo I wouldn't be be useful here and he didn't listen to me - I feel some kind of anger inside me and I don't even know why I feel like this.

- Dontcha worry, you just need some teaching and that's why I'm here...

- Okay, Jim, I'm not in the mood to be hit on right now.

- What?

- Yea, you know what...

- Well - I don't. And I'm definately not hitting on you. Just be careful with the knife, okay? - he says and turns his back against me. I might have hurt his feelings bur right now I can't think about this because the next I know is how Paolo reaches my mom's table, talks to her, smiles, laughs, and then comes straight to me.

- Emma, could you please get a couple of cocktails ready and get them to your mom's table? Ms Rosselini and Mr Sheridan have some special demands. - He gives me a pink paper slip with a couple of words  written in really nice and neat handwriting - Mojito 3 Ways and a Margarita.

- Do I have to bring them or...

- Yes, your mom insisted on you bringing them to them. - Paolo looks at me with an apologizins expression on his face. He knows how hard it is for me to talk to my mom but now he just can't say no to her. She's his client, I'm his employee. That's the deal for tonight.

- Dammit - I curse to myself as I put the paper next to the coffee machine.

- You need help? - Jim asks me but there are no emotions in his eyes or voice this time.

- Please? - So I try not to put any in my voice either.

For the next couple of minutes I have the chance to see how damn good Jim is at making cocktails. All I do is just watching him because I realise how bad I suck at mixing any kinds of substances.

- There you go - he says when he's ready with the Mojito-whatever-was-it's weird name. He gives me the two glasses, straighten my black bow tie and steps backward to let me go.

I inhale and exhale as I walk towards my mom's table. I still can't figure it out why I am so nervous. Yes, I know that's partially because of her but I feel there's something else. Especially after that really stranger look Sheridan gave me a couple of minutes ago.

- Good evening. I hope you are enjoying your time, Ms Rosselini and Mr Sheridan - I say as I carefully put their drinks right in front of each of them. - Here are your drinks...

As I pull my hand back to my body Sheridan reaches out to get his glass and he touches me by accident.

- Watch out, girl - he says in a grumpy voice.

That's the first time I hear his voice in person, not on TV. And it sounds so nice and manly. But still he's behaving really rude to me.

- Excuse me, but I did nothing, Sir. It was you who touched me. By accident or on purpose...

- Emma - I hear my mom calling my name and I turn my back at him walking straight to her. She gives me a sign with her index finger to step closer to her. - Please, watch your behaviour. This dinner is really important to me - she whispers in my ear so no one could hear her. 

- He did it on purpose, mom - I whisper back at her smiling at Simon who, as I see, feel akward because of something.

- I don't care. Don't ruin my night. Don't ruin Danny's night, okay?

- Fine.

- Do you need anything, Sir, Madam? - there's this girl again. I just can't remember her name. She's just the waitress who doesn't like me and has a crush on Jim. She's obviously mad at me for waitressing these two tables which, I think, are supposed to be her responsibility for the evening.

- No, thank you. Emma's doing just fine - Michael Sheridan raises his voice again. He doesn't sound grumpy now. He sounds mockingly. I don't understand what is his problem.

- But I am...

- Not anymore, thank you. - That is Simon's voice now. He raises his hand just to show the waitress to leave.

- Simon, I have other things to do - I try to get out of the situation because I really don't wanna serve to them tonight, especially to Sheridan who keeps being unbelievably rude to me. And I don't wanna argue with my unknown colleague.

- You are our waitress for tonight and that's the end of our conversation. - Simon says in a weak voice. I hava the strong feeling that these words aren't his but mom's. I try to look at her eyes but she turns her head aside avoiding my eyes.

I don't know what to say. I've just been attached to the VIP tables without even been asked if I wanted or not. I had the choice, though - there are enough waitresses tonight, but no... My mom's wishes are... just ridiculous.

- Would that be all for now? - I try to sound naturally but I'm not sure if it works. I try not to look at Sheridan's table as I say it, but my tone says it all - that I'm speaking to all of them.

- Yes, thank you, Emma - Simon says and nods.

I turn and walk away as I hear Sheridan's voice behind my back:

- Simon, are you sure? She could stumble anytime and spill something over someone of us.

- Michael! - that should be Ms Rosselini's voice. She sounds really nice.

I stop and turn around. I see everyone's watching, even Danny, whose face is turnind red. Because he know my expression better than anyone else, even better than my mom. And he knows what comes next.

- Shut up - I hiss and look straight at Michael's eyes. Ms Rosselini gasps and covers her lip with her palm and I see my mom's eyes widen as hell. Her nose now looks like stung by a bee.

And that IS the end of our conversation for now. I don't wait for any response. Just walk back to the bar. Oh, this is going to be fun...

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