Chapter 10

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My heart skips a beat. And then again, and again, and again... I'm still standing on my front door, confused as hell and scared at the same time. What the f*cuk did just happen?... My mind refuses to think straight. My eyes are still gazing at the spot where Jim was a few minutes ago.
"Okay... don't be so weak... pull yourself together..." - I think to myself as I open the door and enter my apartment. I see the light in the living room. Danny hasn't gone to bed yet, he's waiting for me. He wants to know everything with the finest details... but so do I. What can I exactly tell him when I don't know what I'm going through ... I take a deep breath as I push the living room's door. He takes his eyes off the book he's reading and looks at me.
- Hey, pumpkin. Sorry about that. I heard voices and I thought it was Mrs Shaw looking for her cats...
- You don't have to apologize, you know, cheesy - I say as I kneel down next to his achair. He throws the book on the table and pulls me up to his chest in a tight hug. He might be tall and slim but he's strong as f*uck.
- You wanna talk about it?
- Yes but I really don't know what to say...
- I guess you will need some time to think about it first - He says and his left hand reacheas away to something that is out of my sight. - This is for you - he gives me a little brown box and a red rose.
- What... who...
- It's all on the card. Gotta go to bed now, I suggest you do exactly the same. Take it to your bedroom and check it out there. Trust me, Emma - He adds when he sees all the questions in my eyes. - We'll talk about everything tomorrow, all freshen up, okay? - He stands up and runs his fingers through my hair. I can hear the door of his bedroom shuts and then I walk to mine.

I sit on my bed and open the box. There's a little figure inside - a beautiful swan made of pure glass. I don't get it... I look for the card which Danny said something about and I find it tied to the rose.
"I want to apologize for my behaviour earlier tonight. M. S."
WHAT the .......???

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now