Chapter 20

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  - Hey, Beauty - Michael Sheridan welcomes me on the set of "Charlie"as me and my dad walk in. He tries to kiss me on the cheeks but I push him away.

- Hey... Beast. Don't kiss me.

- And who is this? - he turns to my dad shaking his hand.

- I'm Emma's dad and Stefan is my name.

- Nice to meet you, Sir.

- Look, Michael... can you... do me a favour? - my dad asks.

- Perhaps I can. What is it about?

- Can we take a photo together? - my dad grins at Michael and that makes me slap my own forehead.

- Of course.

- Emma, come and take a picture - dad says t me, but Michael interrupts him.

- No, no... Let's take a selfie. That's way much cooler, huh?

I just can't cope with these two right now so I walk away towards Scott, the producer, John, the director, and the other of the team.

- Mornin' guys. Nice to see you again - I greet them.

- Hey, Emma. Sorry about calling you earlier than expected. Change of plans. We have to shoot the total amount of 20 episodes for the whole season but we need only ten let it on air. So by the end of August or the beginning of September we should be ready for the premiere and then we can kepp shooting the rest. - John Meyers meets me first.

 - Yea, okay... Mr Meyers.... can we.. can I have a word with you for a moment, please? - that was way too much information for a short period of time and I still haven't drunk my morning coffee.

- Sure. But just call me John, okay, no "sir" or "Mr"?

- Okay... well... that guy over there - I say as I point at Michael and my dad - is my father. Can he stay here for the day just to ... watch? He's leaving tomorrow morning and I promise he'll behave.John Meyers laughs.

- That's not a problem at all. As long as he doesn't interrupt our shooting process - he can stay as long as he wants.I look at my dad and raise my thumb up.

- Okay, let's start everyone. Please, stay in a position.

I know that the first scene shows how the Italian deputy prime minister gets killed so I have to step back and just watch the other actors do their job. And they do it really good, I have to admit.- So, what do you think? - Michael whispers in my ear. I haven't noticed him coming closer to me.- About what?- About... everything? Do you like it being here?

- I know my dad does.

- What about you?

- Honestly... I'm nervous.

- Well, you don't have to be.

- It's easy for you to say - I sigh. - You've done this before.

- But I was just like you the on my first day on set.

- Can I ask you something, Michael? - I turn to him trying not to stare at his gorgeous eyes. It's hard, really.

- Sure. Anything?

- Why does Scott want me so bad in the show, anyway? Without even auditioning for the role...?

Michael takes a moment of silence as he looks away at John who  just yelled "Cut!"

- Because he saw what you did in the restaurant...

- I kinda already know that and still it's unbeli...

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