Chapter 15

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I immediately fall asleep. I don't have any dreams, just some nice, quiet and peaceful nap. Although... I feel something on my forehead... Something soft, warm and gentle... I look up and I see Jim kissing me on the forehead.

- What's the time? - I ask as I try to lean on my back but Jim doesn't let me to. He snuggles me even tighter than before. I realise I'm not dreaming and all of this is real. Jim doesn't answer my question and keeps pressing his lips against my head. One of his arms is wrapped around my shoulders and the other is hodling me tight against his warm body. I realize that he is completely naked under the sheet but I am not. That's so weird... - Jim? - I say his name and he stops the kissing. - Why are you... naked? And... oh, my God.. - I don't know what to think, I feel really embarrassed right now. - Did we... ?

- No, we didn't. You fell asleep right away. - He doesn't look me in the eyes, just keeps pressing his lips on my forehead. I can feel his smile, though.

- Then why are you completely naked? - I still can't understand it.

- That's how I went to bed before you came - he laughs softly and loosens his grip around my body. He pushes me gently away and I can finally lie down on my back. I feel some pain in my right shoulder. How long have I slept for?... Jim leans over me and that makes me pull the sheet up to my chin. He smiles and runs his fingers through my hair. - Why did you come?

- You didn't return my any of my messages. And I sent you like a thousand... - I know that I sound like murmuring but that's how it is. He didn't do it and I was really worried about him.

- That doesn't answer my question, Emma.

- What do you want to hear?

- Well... nothing else but the truth. Anything you say - I'll believe it.

We stay quiet for abour a minute still gazing into each other's eyes.

- I... I don't know. Really... If I knew - I'd tell you, I swear.

- I think I know - Jim says and leans his forehead against mine.

He is si hot right now. His skin is so warm and soft that makes my mouth water. I so badly want to kiss him but I haven't forgotten what Dany said - not to give any mixed signals until I'm completely sure of what I want. And that should be a relationship with him or just... being friends. The hardest part here is that I'm not sure if we could possibly stay friends after this.

I don't know how this happened but for a second I sawa familiar face in my mind. It was the old man who ordered a beer several days ago at the restaurant. I remember his words - "talking is always good, trust the old man..." And I thinks he might be right. I have to talk to Jim. I need to tell him a couple of things about me. I need to make sure that he will be okay with everything I've been through in the past and that it wouldn't bother him if he wants to be in a relationship with me...

His phone starts to ring as I'm thinking all of these stuff right now. Jim doesn't look away, his eyes - his beautiful hazel brown eyes - are still looking at mine. I don't need to hear it from from - I know he has strong feelins for me.

- Jim... you have to pick up. it might be Paolo. He's really worried about you... and your fake illness - I whisper and that makes him smile. I know he was right about to kiss me and there I stopped it again. Damn it... That was not supposed to happen.

He covers his body with half of the sheet and reaches for his phone. It's his sister, Becky. She's going to be at the Heathrow airport in 4 hours so he has to pick her up.

- Emma...?

- Yes?

- Can I ... - he smiles and doesn't finish his sentence.

- What?

- Can I have the whole sheet please? - he asks through laughter. - I promise not to look at you. Just to... cover myself because I have to go to the bathroom...

I giggle but I still let him have the sheet. He keeps his promise and turns his eyes away. He wraps the sheet around his waist but there's something that's impossible to hide. I put two pillows around my body and try not to smile but I can't help it. I know the reason of his arousal is me and he's not even trying to hide it under the sheet. He still keeps his eyes away of mine but I'm sure he smiled as he walked out of the bedroom.

Ten minutes later I can smell the scent of food being cooked right now. I stand up and look for my dress... but I change my mind in a second as I see one of Jim's t-shirts on the floor. I take it and it smells pretty nice - of a softener with lavender scent. My top favourite one. I put it on and I realize how big it is. Jim is really tall, actually, and really well-built but his t-shirt is huge on my body.

I walk out of the bedroom and step into the kitchen. At least he has some shorts around his waist but that's all he's got. He's standing next to the cooker with his back against me.

- Jim? - I call him and he turns around. - Are you... trying to seduct me?

- Am I not doing it anyway, without cooking? - he laughs softly and and can't hold my gasp as I see his perfect body. His tanned skin, his bare chest, his abs, his neck, his soft lips... oh, the lips... He looks absolutely stunning, I have to admit. Standing over there, next to the cooker, topless and gorgeous, he looks so handsome and irresistible that I just can't stop myself from running towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He throws the spoon away and wraps his arms around my waist lifting me up and turning me around, with my back up against the wall. As I wrap my legs around his waist, he kisses me softly. The touch of his lips against mine makes me moan in his mouth. I can distinctly feel his arousal right now and it kinda scares me.

-Jim... - I try to say something between the hot kisses.

- I'm not forcing you into anything you wouldn't wanna do, you know this?

- Yes - I murmur and run my fingers through his gorgeous and soft dark hair. The absence of his lips against mine is already painful because he turns out to be such a great kisser. - We... have... to talk...

- Yes... of course... - he says in a weak voice because his hands are already slipping under his own t-shirt that I'm wearing but he manages to keep them away from my breasts. Then, all of a sudden, my own phone starts to ring and I realize it's in his bedroom.

I feel so damn good when he doesn't let me step on my feet and just carries me back to his bed and leans over it so I lie down under his strong body.

- Jim, I have to pick up - I say but he doesn't let me so I bite his lower lip and he's now forced to let me pick my phone up. I see my mom's number on the display. That's not good. She NEVER calls me on Saturdays. NEVER EVER. Something wrong's happend and I feel a lumb in my throat. - Mom? - I say after I pick up the phone.

- Emma.. - her voice sounds kinda loud so I know that Jim can hear everythin she's about to say. And the fear in her voice gives me a really bad feeling. - Where are you, Emma?

- I'm... I'm at Jim's apartment. What's going on, mom?

- It's Danny... - she starts to cry.

- Where are you, mom? - I can't stop my voice from going really loud as I feel the panic running through my veins. I see Jim changing his clothes and grabbing his keys.

- I'm in the hospital... can you... can you come, please. Emma?

Jim takes the phone from my hand because I feel like I'm about to faint.

- Which hospital, Isabella? - he asks with a calm voice. - Okay. Be there in twenty minutes. I'll do my best do arrive earlier. - He hangs up and pulls the t-shirt over my body and throws it away. He helps me get dressed in my own dress and we walk out of his apartment. He opens the passenger's seat door for me and then gets in the car. - Danny was hit by a car... - he says as we drive through the streets of London trying to reach the hospital as soon as possible. - His condition is... not really good... he's in a coma right now and the doctors are doing their best...

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن