Chapter 22

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28th August

It was a long day. We were shooting all day long, we barely had a thirty minutes luch break and we went back on set. John Meyers was pretty rough that day but we managed to do a lot of work. I didn't talk to Michael at all. He tried once or twice to start a conversation with me but I kept ignoring him all day long. He gave up in the afternoon and just kept to the script.

29th August

I call my mom on my way to the airport and tell her to have an eye on Danny while I'm away.

- Okay, and... Emma, you can always go and visit your grandpa and grandma in Milan, you know that? - she keeps insisting.

- Yea mom, I know, but I am flying to Palermo. I have work to do. I am not going there on a vacation, you know that?

One of my most favourite cities in the world is Milan itself. But the last thing I'd do, if I go there someday, is to visit my grandparents. The only people in the world, who are more obsessive than my mother, are them.

- Hey, Scott, you wanna switch seats in the plane? - I hear Michael talking to our executive producer.

- Ermm... no. Why?

- Because mine is next to Emma's and she's been not in the perfect mood lately... I don't wanna get her even more upset if I sit next to her... you know... she doesn't like me very much.

- Well, Mike... I would switch seats with you but... you see... I'm really looking forward into something right now... I'm sitting with Diane, you know?

- Really?

- You didn't have to say it with that tone... I'm definitely not switching seats with you now.

That was pretty cool of Scott, I smirk to myself.

- Don't worry, I think I'll get some sleep. You wouldn't bother me if I'm sleeping, I guess - I tell Michael as I walk past him.

- I hope so... 

I'm really tired, anyway, so twenty minutes after the plane flies away, I feel my eyes closing. Michael is sitting really close to me, his shoulder touches mine. I can barely see that he's holding a book in his hands but keeps still and doesn't open it because if he does - he'll have to move and if he moves - he'll wake me up. I know he thinks I'm asleep and let's keeo it that way.

I can feel his perfume. It smells pretty good and gives me different naughty thoughts... No, that's ridiculous. I can't think like that... but still, I can't stop it. Well, there's something in my mind that I'd like to give it a try...

 I've covered myself in a think blanket beforehand, so he can't see my hands under it. My eyelids are absolutely closed so I'm ready to let my little performance begin. I slowly lean forward and my cheekbone meets his shoulder. I manage to keep my breath calm but I can't say the same for his. I can hear him breathing rapidly as my face touches his arm. Yes, he doesn't notice that my sleep is all fake and now I have a real chance to see how could my closeness unfluence him. He barely tries to move to his right side. Oh, damn it ... was that all... is it already over... Oh, wait, wait... no, it's not over yet. He slowly leans to his right side just to pull his left arm away of me... and to wrap it around my shoulders, pulling me back close to him. Oh, that was so sweet of him. I can't stop the little smile on my face and I have no idea if he can see it. But I don't care. I successfully did what I intended to do.

I know the flight to Rome 2h and 30 m, then we have to wait for another full hour before we board on the plane to Palermo... but I must have really fallen asleep because the moment I open my eyes - I can see the Michael's right hand also wrapped around my body. I can also feel his cheek on my head and his calm breathing in my hair. He has fallen asleep, too. And he is hugging me right now. 

It feels so good to be in his arms. His strong arms, holding me tight right now...

The flight attendant's voice, saying that we are flying through a tubulent zone, wakes him and the next thing he does is to unwrap his arms and move back to his seat without even looking at me. Is he confused as I am? I don't know what to think anymore. Could I be anymore confused?... I doubt so.

During our stopover in Rome, Michael remains silent and doesn't speak with anyone. He just randomly types something on his phone and stays away from all of us. So, I try to do the same as him to keep myself distracted from thinking about him. What has happend on that plane... I can't figure it out.

Our flight to Palermo lasts for an hour. This time I'm sitting with Scott and he doesn't mind. He's in a really chatty mood, though, and all I have to do is just to listen to him. Michael is sitting next to a random guy straight to my left across the isle. I know he's looking at me when I'm not looking at him and that confuses me even more.

There's a red bus waiting for us on the airport. The hotel turns out to be a fice-stars building with the best view I've ever seen. The beach is near, there are great restaurants around, a cinema and a couple of night clubs. Everything would be perfect except...

- Okay, Michael Sheridan and.... Emma Gatti... the two of you go to the apartment on the second floor, in the end of the hall - the receptionist says as she gives me the key.

- Whoa, whoa... what do you mean "the two of us" ? I think I booked a separate room?

- Yes, I understand that, but it's still summer and we are overloaded - she tries to apologize when Scott makes his way to us.

- Everything's okay, thank you for your assistance.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders and Michael's and takes us away from the receptionist's desk.

- Okay, let's have this clear - she just gave you one of their best apartment. It has two separate bedrooms, one bathroom and an excellent view to the sea... We are staying at one of the best hotels on the island, so please, PLEASE, guys, don't piss me off or I'll send you two back to London, okay? I'm not in a mood for you unstoppable fights and bulshit, okay?

There's a moment of silence. I'm the first one to break it.

- Okay, but the key stays with me - I say and walk away, dragging my suitcase towards the elevator.

- I'm the first to choose a bedroom, okay? - Michael says as the elevator's door closes behind his back.

- We'll see that - I smirk and avoid his eyes.

The door swings open on the second floor and Michael gives me the right to walk out of the elevator first. He follows me to the room and I unlock the door leaving my suitcase and running inside.

- That one's for me! - I shout as I point to one of the bedrooms and Michael comes to see it.

- Fine. Can we try to... not to fight... until we are roommates? - he asks in a low voice.

- I guess... If you know how to behave - I laugh.

- Ah, there you go, you start again...

- I don't start anything, I'm just stating the obvious.

- These two weeks are going to be just lovely... - he sighs.

- What? Two weeks ?! I thought we were gonna stay here for a couple of days, not more than 3 or 4...

- So do you ever read your mail? - now it's his turn to laugh.

- Okay... I think we could probably try to work things out...

- We have no other choice... You heard Scott - Michael says with a smile on his face and walks into his bedroom shuting the door behind his back.

M+E: Snowflakes and flames (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें