Summer Time

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Lisa's pov

I'm tired and sick of being surrounded by those fake people. They'll say they like you 'cuz you're pretty, smart, and so popular with the boys, but at the back of their mind they are stabbing me directly thru my heart.
Geeeh, how I wish I can burn these ugly "biatch" by just staring. I'm freaking can't wait to move out from this town! I don't want to see these faces anymore, girls just want to be friends with me because of my popularity, how pathetic!

Tick tok,tick tok I can hear the clock, 2minutes more and I'm out from this hell!


Everyone stand up as the bell rang.

"No school, no paperwork's, no assignment, no projects, and no waking up early! Yes it's summertime!" Kai said

I just rolled my eyes on what my boyfriend said. "Gosh, Kai you're really excited for this summer.

He leaned on me and kiss my forehead, "of course baby, I want to have a long sleep and go to beaches and spend more time with you before you leave this town."

"Yeah right, but you promised you're going to follow their right?"

"Oh, baby, you know I love the place here and beside I'm the team captain of the basketball team here, I can't leave them. But I promise to visit you their,okay?"

"So, you mean to say basketball is important than your girlfriend?" I stand up and ready to get out from the room but he immediately grab my wrist and face me to him.

"Hey baby, please don't be mad. You are my love and you know that, but you know next school year is my big shot so that I can have a scholarship from this University. Please, try to understand me." He kissed the palm of my hand.

I sigh deep, "Hmmm but I'm gonna miss you. And who will pick me and send me home? Who will be my lunch buddy? I thought we already talk about this that you're coming with me, but I guess I can't stop you from your goal. Okay, I don't want to be the reason for you on not getting a scholarship here. But promise me you'll visit me every weekend!" I show him my puppy eyes and I know he can't resist it.

"Hahahhahaha baby you know I love you so much. And I can't resist your cuteness." And he gently kiss me on my lips.

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