Moving On

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Video on the media is not mine.
Credit to: Lulu A 😊

Lisa's pov

I woke up feeling dizzy, I felt that my head wanted to explode. I sat up straight thinking that all the things that happened yesterday was just a dream.

But again, I came back to reality when I saw the picture that was teared into tiny pieces on the floor; our first picture as a couple.

"Yah, Lisa, wake up! His not worth it." I smack my head.

Tok tok tok

"Lisa, its me, Irene eonnie. Are you awake now?"

"Eonnie, please come in."

The door open, seeing my eonnie reminds me what happened yesterday. There's  tears that escape from my eyes. I immediately wiped it.

"Hey, I heard what happen yesterday and I swear I'll bury that whore on the ground."

I look at eonnie with a weak smile.

"Lisa darling, please cheer up. I don't like seeing you like that. It's not you. The Lisa that I know will be so loud the moment I enter her room." She pouted and act like a kid while talking.

"Hahaha eonnie, you act like a kid. Who's the maknae here?" I smiled at her.

Irene eonnie hug me so tight and I responded to her hug.

"Yes, that's right Lisa, don't be affected. Move on, and be happy. Though his my cousin I won't tolerate his jerk action towards you. I'll handle him later, I'm going to scratch his neck, pull his hair, or better chop his d***. Hahaha what do you think bae?"

"Yah, eonnie don't be so mean to him. Hahahaha."

"Wow, after all he had done to you, you still care about him. That's why I love you so much sis."

I smiled at her. "I really wanted to punch his face but I can't rewind and mend the things that happened. Like you have said, move on. It takes time to heal and to forgive."

"Ohhhh. How come you're so matured now when you think, how I wish Chen would be like you. His so childish, I don't know if his really a man or a kid turns into a man." She rolled her eyes while talking about Chen oppa. I laugh at her and look at her with a teasing look.

"Yah, what's with your look! Stop! I know what you're thinking and excuse me, I don't have any feelings toward him. He just keep on annoying me!"

I laugh on how she defended herself. "Wow eonnie, I didn't say anything, but I guess my intuition is right. You and Chen oppa will realize it someday. It's okay don't rush it."

"Whatever Liz, but no thanks. I'll rather choose to be an old lady than to be with him."

"Woooooow, eonnie be careful with your words."

"Stop it Liz." She pouted, and I pinched her cheek.

"Stop with the boy talk, let's shop. I want to spend my time with you. Hurry up, take a bath you stink now. Ewwww."

She pulled me off to bed and push me toward the bathroom.

"I'll give you 5minutes to take a bath. And while you are taking a bath, I'll choose your clothes . Okay? Now work it girl! Let's not waste time."

"Hahaha eonnie, are you kidding? 5 minutes? I can't, give me 20minutes please?" I used my aegyo voice.

"Eeew Liz, stop with the aegyo. Okay.hurry up." She closed the door.

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