19. Confused (Marinette)

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My face boiled over as Cat pressed his lips against mine. So many questions and feelings swirled through me at that moment. He entangled his fingers in mine. I didn't try to pull away or to move. I couldn't, his sweet and familiar scent had my soles glued to the tower beneath me. His lips were so warm and soft.

Time seemed to slow down as Cat pulled away. He rested his forehead against mine. I stood there, frozen. Unable to wrap my head around what had just happened. "I care about you." He let go of my waist. I took a step back, my heart was racing and I could feel my face burning underneath the mask.

"Even if you don't take me seriously, I love you Ladybug. Always will." He said softly. His golden locks seemed to glow beneath the moonlight. "Au Revoir...M'Lady." He said with a bow just before jumping off the tower and disappearing into the night.

I ran all the way home in a daze. My mind and heart racing as I swung through the city. As soon as I got home, I transformed back into my civilian form and hopped in the shower. The warm water felt nice against my clammy skin. "I care about you, even if you don't take me seriously." His voice echoed in my head. I could feel myself blushing again. I let the water run down my hair and face. The sound of the faucet helped quiet my thoughts. After nearly 30 minutes, I jumped out of the shower.

I glanced at myself in the foggy mirror. My cheeks were pink and my fingers pruney. I glanced down at my lips, they were pink and plump. They still seemed to tingle. After dressing, I made my way out of the restroom.

"Cat sure surprised you tonight huh?" Tikki asked as she ate her cookie. I sat on my bed slowly. "That's an understatement ..." I trailed off as I touched my lips. My face turned red at the memory. "Stupid Cat!" I groaned as I let myself fall backwards on my bed. Tikki hovered over to me.

"Why didn't you pull away?" she asked curiously.

"I tried! Stupid Cat had his arm around me!" I whined as she looked at me. "I don't know..." She trailed off as she finished her cookie. "I think you were being kind of mean to him. I don't think he deserved that." She admitted as she wiped her face. "It's not his fault Adrien got mad at you..." She trailed off.

"Besides, Cat probably feels like you never take him seriously. In a way, I understand why he did what he did. Plus, I think Cat is a great guy!" She exclaimed. "It also seemed like you were enjoying it " Tikki accused with a smile as she sat next to me. My face boiled over again.

"He just caught me by surprise that's all!" I said louder than normal as I sat up. "Cat always puts his life on the line for you. I think you should at least think about his feelings and give him a proper answer. You shouldn't keep dismissing his compliments as jokes, since he clearly cares about you more than you know." I glanced down at my slippers.

"I also think that you care about Cat more than you're willing to admit." I shook my head. "No way!" I huffed childishly as I crossed my arms. Tikki shrugged as she curled up on my pillow.

"Oh Marinette." She sighed before closing her eyes. After a few seconds of silence, I got up and turned off the light. As I made my way back to bed, I caught a glimpse of the moon shining through the window. My heart skipped when I remembered the way he looked at me. His voice sounded so sincere and pained at the time.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling for an uncountable amount of time. I could hear Tikki snoring softly next to me. The entire scene kept replaying over and over in my mind." I shook my head to clear those thoughts. His kiss, although invasive (obviously), wasn't aggressive. It was needy, eager, almost desperate. I took in a deep breath as I turned around and stared at my wall. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally managed to drift off to sleep.

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