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"Looks like we meet again babe" Harry smirked as I took my seat next to him.

"Don't call me babe" He softly chuckled and turned back to something he was reading. I scanned his face and saw that he was actually really hot. Is he new here because I don't remember him from last year?

"Having fun there?" Harry teased. I felt my face blush and I turned my attention to the lady walking through the door.

"Hello class I'm Mrs. Woods and this is chemistry. Obviously the person sitting at your lab table will be your partner for the whole year now let's get started"

"So we'll be spending a lot of time together huh?" Harry winked. Damn he's flirty. Like super flirty.

"Yeah I guess. So are you new here?" I asked.

"I am. I got kicked out of my other school"

"For what?"

"Well every time I beat someone up I got a detention and they added up so they kicked me out" Hm. What a surprise..

"So you're one of those guys?"

"What do you mean?"

"The badass with tattoos who beats people up"

"Yeah I guess. Why? Are clean cut guys the only type that can hit on you?"

"So you're hitting on me?" I smirked watching his face twist in embarrassment.

"No I was just asking"

"Ms. Hampton and Mr.Styles would you like to share with the class your conversation?" Mrs. Woods snapped.

"No mam" I mumbled.

"So you're one of those girls?" He whispered.


"The good polite student that always does what she's told"

"Well yeah these are the people that tell the college I want to go to whether they should accept me or not"

"Good point" For the rest of the period we stayed quiet and payed attention. Well at least I did I don't know about Harry.

After first period Harry and I made our way to the hallway. Just as I was about to walk off to my class I heard someone screech my name.

"Anna! Homecoming is in two weeks and you still don't have a date!" Brianna ran up to me with her high pitched voice. She was nice and everything but I felt like I was her little science project like she controlled everything from dances to homecoming and prom queen.

"Hey Brianna and I don't even think I'm going this year" My eyes flickered over to Harry who had his eyes trained on this scene.

"What?! You have to go! You were nominated queen freshman, sophomore, and junior year!"

"Exactly! Just let someone else get it this year"

"No no no that will not happen. I'm going to go ask Jake to take you"

"Brianna please don't do that I can find a date on my own" Before she listened to what I said she bolted off to find Jake. Great.

"I didn't think you were that uptight but you have your own personal assistant to go find you a date so you've proven me wrong" Harry said leaning against the wall.

"I'm not uptight and I told her not to go ask someone to take me to homecoming but she ran off before I could"

"Whatever. So what's your next class?" One minute he's all 'you're uptight' then the next he's asking me what my next class is.

"English" I simply responded not wanting to talk to him anymore. I mean he called me uptight and I'm not even uptight.

"Cmon Anna please don't tell me you're offended" Now he's mocking me.

"I have to get to class. I'll see you around" I started walking off when he grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"Don't go" We were frozen in the moment. Our eyes locked with one another's and the whole world seemed to stop.

"Um sorry but I do have to go"

"We could ditch class"

"Can you let me go by any chance?"

"Are you afraid of missing class or something?"

"No I-"

"She told you to let her go" Not now Noah.

"Noah I'm fine" I said with gritted teeth trying to give him a hint before Harry beat him up.

"Let go of her"

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Harry taunted.


"Noah just go I'm fine"

"So Noah. Is this your girlfriend?" I couldn't stop myself from laughing and neither could my brother. Harry stood there like a deer in headlights.

"What's so funny?"

"Noah is not my boyfriend"

"That's my sister genius" Noah retorted his eyes twinkling with humor.

"Whatever" Harry rolled his eyes and stormed off letting go of my wrist allowing me to go to English.

"Did he hurt you?" My brother asked.

"No don't worry"

"Okay good because he was like three times my size"

"Well I'll see you later" I said and walked into class.

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