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I stared at the brown unpacked boxes wondering how I'm going to finish all of them. There had to be at least 15 boxes full with new clothes that I had to organize. And the worst part was that I was in the basement. I hate basements. They are so creepy. There where no windows obviously since it was an underground floor.

The walls and floors were concrete. Like it was just creepy. I wish someone was with me so when there was a random noise I wouldn't freak out. I ripped open the first box and awed at how perfect the clothes were and because I couldn't afford them.

I started laying everything out on the table and putting all of the clothes in different piles. This was going to take forever. Thankfully shopping with Grace only took about an hour and a half so I still had two and a half hours to unpack all these boxes.


I got bored so I figured I'd bring Anna something to eat even though she'd be working at the cafè soon and would probably eat something there. I drove off and stopped by McDonalds to buy her this cookie crunch icecream drink that she loved.

I drove to the art studio and went up to the top floor. I asked the lady at the main desk for her.

"Is Anna here?"

"She's in the basement" The hell?

"Why is she in the basement?"

"Because she's unloading clothes" She shot back. I frustratedly rolled my eyes then went back into the elevator going underground the building. Basements are creepy as hell so my question is why does my girlfriend have to spend the next two hours in one? If I could pay for her college by myself but I can barely help support my family at the moment.


Time went by quietly as I softly hummed different tunes while organizing bras and underwear. This is like Victoria Secret and every other store combined into this massive load of cute, adorable, and unaffordable clothing.

My humming was interrupted when I heard the sound of an elevator stopping.

"Hello?" No one responded. I looked around the dull gray room and didn't see anything. "Hellloooooo" Still no response. My heart was pumping as usual and I tried calming down to finish unloading the boxes so I could get the hell out of here.

I started slowly having a panic attack so I looked through the boxes for my phone but was frozen in place when the lights went off. I screamed like hell.

"Somebody help me!" I shrieked and tears started building up in my eyes then slowly falling. I was petrified in my place. I couldn't see anything.

"Boo" A voice whispered in my ear scaring me shitless but it wasn't just any voice I knew exactly who it was. I screamed again just because I was so jumpy until his hand covered my mouth. "Baby it's just me"

"Harry what the actual fu-" I pulled his hand off of me but he recovered it then turned the lights on. My hand thought before my head and it slapped him straight across the face. He looked pissed but he literally scared the hell out of me. His features softened and a hint of guilt flickered in his green eyes.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked referring to my slap.

"I guess but you're crazy I cannot believe you did that I almost had a heart attack" His thumb wiped the tears under my eyes apologetically.

"You have to admit it was kind of funny" I glared at him keeping a straight face. "Too soon? Okay. I brought you your favorite cookie shake thing from McDonalds. Would that be enough for you to not hate me at the moment?"

"Maybe" I took it from his hand and sipped the deliciously flavored icecream thing. I don't even know what to call it. It's just a cup of deliciousness. Yeah that's what it is. "Okay this is amazing I forgive you" I planted a soft kiss on his lips before going back to the clothes.

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