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"Okay the door's unlocked just run once I'm in the kitchen" I whispered. We were standing at the end of the stairs and Harry was only in his pajama pants. He nodded then I casually walked in the kitchen. My dad was sipping his coffee and my mum was laughing to herself as she cut up some fruit.

"Hun Noah took your car"

"Why?" He can't just take my car. He shouldn't even be allowed to drive. Well he has his permit because he's 16. He was held back in like fourth grade or something so now he's the oldest freshman in his grade.

"Because he needed to get to school early and you were taking forever to shower" Cmon mum not in front of dad.

"Yeah what was taking you so long?" My dad asks.

"I was shaving my legs and that takes a while" I heard my mum hum and I really hope Harry had left by now. I checked my phone because he said he'd text me when he was ready. Nothing yet.

Maybe I'll just wait outside because I'm already 100% done with this conversation. I pretended to check my phone then leave.

"Okay my ride's here bye!" I quickly walked out of the house and waited for Harry. As I walked to his driveway I saw him walk out of the door in his black skinny jeans and a navy blue v neck.

"Did your dad suspect anything?" He asked nervously.

"No he didn't. Calm down I'm almost 18 anyway so soon they won't be able to boss me around anymore"

"Oh right your birthday is next Wednesday" It is?

"How do you know that?"

"You told me, blondie" He grinned.

"Are you calling me a dumb blonde?" I sassed.

"Maybe" I observed the way he subtly bit his lip to keep him from fully smiling. "We should probably go I'm starving"

"Me too let's go" He opened the passenger door to his car and let me in. Such a gentleman. He was being so sweet and cuddly like a big teddy bear. The way he looked so vulnerable last night just made me want to hold him in my arms like a little boy but that obviously wouldn't work since he's like twice my size.

"So did your mum suspect anything when you entered your own house in pajamas?"

"No I snuck upstairs. Gemma caught me though but there were so many times when she had guys stay the night and because of me mum never found out"


"So what do you like to eat?"

"Chocolate" He chuckled again.

"I was talking about for breakfast Anna" He smiled over at me.

"Chocolate chip pancakes"

"I have a place in mind" We drove to a small cafe and I ordered chocolate chip pancakes. They were delicious. The rest of the day we just goofed off like a bunch of teenagers ditching school because we were teenagers ditching school.


I tapped my pencil on my notebook to the beat of this old rock song I didn't know the name of. That's why I love Pandora you just listen to the song because you don't know the lyrics.

I was trying to do homework but I couldn't concentrate. Probably because of the music but I like it. I frustratedly sighed. Next thing I knew someone put their hands over my eyes. I ripped my headphones out and screamed bloody murder.

"Relax babe it's just me" I heard Harry laugh behind me.

"Harry you scared me!"

"That was the point" He smirked. I stood up and slapped his arm.

"How'd you get in the doors are locked?"

"Haven't you learned by now I know how to pick locks?"

"You cannot just pick the locks to my house" I firmly stated. Well sort of I couldn't really help but smile at him.

"And why is that?"

"Because I could have been like.." I'm always lost at words. "I could have been doing something important"

"Anna the closest to important you would be doing is watching reruns of soap operas" He has a point.

"Well I was trying to do homework. That's important" I folded my arms.

"I was watching you for like five minutes and all you did was tap your pencil and look at your notebook not to mention dramatically screaming about homework"

"Okay now you're stalking me"

"No I was just waiting for the right time to scare you"


"It is Friday so why are you even doing homework?"

"Oh I forgot it was Friday in that case I won't be doing this till Monday morning"

"Don't you have a calendar? You know the one that tells you what day of the week it is?"

"Stop mocking me. Homecoming is tomorrow and I'm stressing because I lost my navy blue nail polish to match my dress"

"You're stressing because you lost nail polish?" Boys will never understand.

"Yes! That was my favorite color and now I can't find it!"

"Girls and their problems" He rolled his eyes.

"You're a guy you wouldn't understand"

"Okay okay so what do you want to do?"

"Let's make food I haven't eaten since like an hour ago"

"You're quite something Anna"

"I know"

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