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"Anna would you like to stay for dinner?" Harry's mum asked me. I didn't want to be rude so I accepted.

"That sounds wonderful I'd love to!" I smiled. We just got back from the store and Mrs. Styles asked me to stay for dinner. Harry and I went up to his room and it was surprisingly very neat. I looked out his window and could see my house from it and my room. I really hope my curtains are closed when I changed.

"See shopping wasn't that bad was it?" I brought up.

"No it was"

"Well thank you for coming with me"

"It was my pleasure suffering for you" He smirked and I just playfully rolled my eyes.

"You know I never expected someone with your get up would be so neat"

"Is there something wrong with my get up?"

"No it's actually quite fascinating" He seemed amused whenever I paid attention to him. It was cute.

"What does this mean?" I pointed to the squiggly lines on the side of his wrist.

"It's the symbol for Aquarius since I was born in February"

"That's really cool" I examined the other tattoos on his wrist and looked up to meet his eyes trained on me.

"So do you want to do anything?" He asked.

"Movies are overrated um do you have any playing cards?"

"Yeah" He opened on of his drawers and handed me a stack. "What game do you want to play?"

"I was actually thinking we could build a house of cards" It was easy to have a platform because his floor was wooden.


I was propped up on my elbows watching Anna concentrate on this house of cards she was focusing so hard on. Luckily I could stare at her all I wanted because she was too busy with her cards to look at me. The room was completely quiet.

I watched as she bit her bottom lip and carefully place a card on top of two others. And let's be honest it fucking turned me on.She made a few more layers then ran out of cards.

"Bet you didn't know I could build card houses like that" She smiled obviously proud of herself.

"Actually no I didn't"

"By the way if you thought you could get away with staring at me because I couldn't see you, you didn't" I felt my cheeks heat up. Why am I blushing? I'm a man. Men don't blush.

"How'd you know?"

"I could feel it. The brain can tell when someone is staring at you or for instance following you. Also known as really good intuition" She's hot and smart. Damn I'm so falling for her.

"Is that part of what you study to become a physiatrist?"

"Yeah it kind of is and I just look more into it than other people" Anna was so unique. I mean she'd rather build a house of cards then watch a movie which is probably what 99% of what other girls would say.

"You're different than a lot of other girls and you definitely weren't what I thought you were like"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No of course not. I thought you were one of those stuck up girls that cared more about their cuticles than their future" She giggled and I almost vowed to think of funny things just so I could make her laugh but then I realized that might be creepy.

Her phone started ringing and she pulled it out of her reading the contact name.

"One second it's my mum" She whispered.


I'm at Harry's across the street.

Yeah we're friends.


I'll show it to you later.

Um sure.

But tell him if he wrecks it he's paying for a new one.



Love you too." She hung up and turned her attention back to me.

"Sorry about that she just wanted to know if Noah could take my car"

"It's cool. So Noah is the kid that was in the hall way the first day of school after first period"

"Yes the one you thought was my boyfriend" She chuckled again.

"That was awkward"

"It was" She agreed with me.

"Anna, Harry dinner is ready!" My mum called from downstairs.

"Great I'm starving" Anna said opening my bedroom door. The draft from the hallway blew her card house to the ground. "Are you kidding me?!" She practically screamed and I couldn't help but laugh. She groaned once again then we went downstairs.

"If you want I'll build you another one okay?" She blushed and shook her head no.

"I'm fine Harry"

"So Anna when did you guys move in?" Gemma asked.

"Well we've always lived here but over the summer we went to Australia because my parents are in the military"

"That's so interesting!" My mum smiled at her. "How's Australia?"

"Hot. A lot of people love to surf there and if you go into the more center part of it there are a lot of really big bugs and I hate bugs so I stayed by the beach"

"That sounds lovely. I wish it wasn't so rainy in the UK"

"The beauty of traveling"

"You're very correct" She smiled and we all took our seats at the dinner table.


Harry's house was very comfortable and homey. And Anne was so kind.

"Anne where's my-" A very demanding voice entered the kitchen. "Who's this?" Well that's rude.

"Sweetie this our neighbor Anna" He didn't even make eye contact. Who is this? Is this Harry's dad? I see no resemblance.

"Where's my wallet?"

"I don't know I-I put it over there" Anne just turned into the sweetest woman ever to a little girl cowering in fear.

"Well god damn it where is it?!" He shouted making me flinch.

"Harry" Gemma whispered and nodded her head to the stairs.

"Let's eat upstairs" He said grabbing both of our plates and bringing them up to his room. He seemed very tense. He closed the door rather loudly and sat down on his bed. I didn't say anything I just watched him eat frustratedly. After too much silence I spoke up.

"Harry is everything alright?"

"Not right now Anna"

Okay then.

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